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Vape Tax.. we all knew it was coming

I am looking for the business partner.
Required abilities:
1. Frequent travels to-from UK with a belly shaped plastic can of minimum 50l
2. Heavy "normal" cigarettes smoker so the nicotine detection can be easily explained

sorry, just could not resist... when they will realise that any action like that mean: LOWER income for the budget and HIGHER influence of the uncontrolled, high risk products ?:banghead:
So no details yet and we can ignore it for the mo
Like being told you've got a terminal illness but don't worry you won't die for another 3 years. labour won't wait 3 years, cunty Streeting is/ will be on a mission - the doctor will see you now - here's your prescription.
That's what happens when you start flogging cheap ass disposables to kids in stupid packaging and a useful cessation product becomes a national scourge and environmental nightmare.

Well done... :clapping:
I think it fair to say that the informed consumer gives not much of a shit about this. We’ll just go back to vaping like a was 2016 when most of our juice was either homebrew made by ourselves or our mates. Shit, half of @MrDJ recommended liquid vendor list was companies working from home at that point. We were all vaping on a clone dripper from Fasttech and enjoying some Molejuice or Aerovape.

It is the legitimate businesses this fucks in a big way. Businesses who in a lot of cases took a massive kicking after the TPD and are hanging on by their fingernails as it is.

All this will do is cause unemployment, reduce revenue into the HMRC coffers because less people will purchase via legitimate channels and work in an entirely backwards way to which the billionaire elite in Downing Street think it will.

We’re fucked on all fronts I think. Not just vaping, everything. Really does call for some big boy, organised bollocks and some direct and serious action to gain some sensibility back.
Here's Vic's new sums....

I've looked at the consultation, and many of the questions require specialist knowledge, e.g. -
"How easy is it to test the nicotine content and strength of vaping products? Please provide relevant information relating to costs and availability of tests."
"Are there any other specific compliance risks relating to the manufacture and importation of vaping products that may require bespoke compliance arrangements?"
"Do you agree that EMCS should be used for duty-suspended movements of vaping products in the UK?"
There are loads like that...

So the average layman simply will not (or won't know how) to fill it in...
.. and there's 59 questions...
I've looked at the consultation, and many of the questions require specialist knowledge, e.g. -
"How easy is it to test the nicotine content and strength of vaping products? Please provide relevant information relating to costs and availability of tests."
"Are there any other specific compliance risks relating to the manufacture and importation of vaping products that may require bespoke compliance arrangements?"
"Do you agree that EMCS should be used for duty-suspended movements of vaping products in the UK?"
There are loads like that...

So the average layman simply will not (or won't know how) to fill it in...
.. and there's 59 questions...

So in other words this consultation isn't about offering any opportunities to avoid certain kinds of vape tax, it's more about the mechanics of figuring out how to implement the system to get it to work the way they want.
Shortfill days are numbered. Only loophole i can see, is to do a 10ml 'flavour shot' in a 60ml bottle, and hope DHSC/MHRA dont close it.
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