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Vape Tax.. we all knew it was coming

He said the vape tax will not come into effect until 2026 but did not disclose how much and what volume for liquids.

From gov.uk site

2.17 Vaping Products Duty
As announced at Spring Budget 2024, the government will introduce legislation in a future finance bill to introduce a new duty on vaping products.

The government has published a consultation on the detailed design and implementation of the duty, which will close on 29 May 2024.Registration for the duty will open on 1 April 2026 with the duty taking effect from 1 October 2026 alongside a proportionate increase in tobacco duties.

The duty will apply to liquids for use in vaping devices and e-cigarettes at the following rates:
£1 per 10ml for nicotine free liquids
£2 per 10ml for liquid containing nicotine at concentrations between 0.1 to 10.9mg per ml
£3 per 10ml for liquids containing nicotine at concentrations 11mg per ml, or above
From gov.uk site

2.17 Vaping Products Duty
As announced at Spring Budget 2024, the government will introduce legislation in a future finance bill to introduce a new duty on vaping products.

The government has published a consultation on the detailed design and implementation of the duty, which will close on 29 May 2024.Registration for the duty will open on 1 April 2026 with the duty taking effect from 1 October 2026 alongside a proportionate increase in tobacco duties.

The duty will apply to liquids for use in vaping devices and e-cigarettes at the following rates:
£1 per 10ml for nicotine free liquids
£2 per 10ml for liquid containing nicotine at concentrations between 0.1 to 10.9mg per ml
£3 per 10ml for liquids containing nicotine at concentrations 11mg per ml, or above

So I gather they still want people to buy 10ml bottles and not do the environment any good but allow that instead of disposables.

Is that a typo for £1,£2,£3 for each 10 ml bottle
If there is no tax on concentrates, there's no change in longfill prices..... unless of course we get bent over
So I gather they still want people to buy 10ml bottles and not do the environment any good but allow that instead of disposables.

Is that a typo for £1,£2,£3 for each 10 ml bottle

That's just the cost per 10ml.

No, not a typo. A 100ml shortfil will have a tax of £10 levied, plus VAT, so an additional £12.
If it was just a flat £1 for any size liquid I could live with that, but £25 for 100ml juice.

No thank you.

that is more tax than cigarettes.
If there is no tax on concentrates, there's no change in longfill prices..... unless of course we get bent over
You've still got however many nic shots at full tax rate...
.. and I can't see how longfills would be sold as fish food, so expect many/most flavours to be banned, and longfill only allowed with 10ml of flavouring (which would be taxed at zero nic rate)...
.. or something like that - they look fucked.
You've still got however many nic shots at full tax rate...
.. and I can't see how longfills would be sold as fish food, so expect many/most flavours to be banned, and longfill only allowed with 10ml of flavouring (which would be taxed at zero nic rate)...
.. or something like that - they look fucked.

The price of a longfill is without nic, but I take your point...pg/vg/concentrate flavours should be an easy workaround as used for many other purposes.
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