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Vaping 101 age verification


Feb 2, 2017
Apologies if this has been discussed before, but I’ve bought a couple of items from Vaping 101… and then been asked to use their age verification software. I need a photo ID - so driving license, passport, Citizen card (?) OR a credit card: none of which I have. I emailed them and told them to cancel the transaction, as I couldn’t provide what they wanted, and got an arsey email back about a ‘new law’ that all vaping companies have to do this. Is that true? I haven’t seen any discussion of this ‘new law’ on here :hmm: I am pissed off by this… it’s one thing to want to check people’s ages, but they should do it before they take my money surely?
It’s true, age verification is a thing, and relatively new.
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It is a thing, but it's up to each vendor which software or company to do it, some are better than others and as with any negative about 101 they throw their toys out the pram
Anything specific you were after? Probably cheaper elsewhere tbh
It is a thing, but it's up to each vendor which software or company to do it, some are better than others and as with any negative about 101 they throw their toys out the pram
Anything specific you were after? Probably cheaper elsewhere tbh

I defy you to find VV Requiem squonk bottles cheaper than a quid! :D

Fuck ‘em, I can order some from China, I’m in no rush. I’m just annoyed that they took my money before asking for verification, I’d be considerably less irked about it, and would’ve just declined and looked elsewhere :28:
I defy you to find VV Requiem squonk bottles cheaper than a quid! :D

Fuck ‘em, I can order some from China, I’m in no rush. I’m just annoyed that they took my money before asking for verification, I’d be considerably less irked about it, and would’ve just declined and looked elsewhere :28:

That's quite an ask lol, try ecigones price match , worth a try maybe before the China order
That money should of been on a hold , they shouldn't of taken it at all, before the check was finished, make sure they get it back to you as quick as they took it
I defy you to find VV Requiem squonk bottles cheaper than a quid! :D

Fuck ‘em, I can order some from China, I’m in no rush. I’m just annoyed that they took my money before asking for verification, I’d be considerably less irked about it, and would’ve just declined and looked elsewhere :28:

imagine verifying you age for some squishy rubber bottles. ffs!
I've failed a few times but stopped me spending lol. It is annoying when you haven't got photo ID
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