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Vaping 101 age verification

Well my daughter manages to pass so I just get her to order for me lol
Because they are able to verify your age by checking out who you are based on your name and address. Sometimes that third party verification does not work (for whatever reason) and you then have to "prove" using a photo id. I have never had to provide a photo id.
I have to send a pic of my paper driving licence as I have no ID with a photo. I've not been rejected yet but one place did have difficulty understanding what I was sending to them - I did manage to phone directly and explain the reason my licence is paper is because I'm fucking ancient which the confused snot nosed kid on the other end finally grasped.

What pissed me off was I got my delivery by RM24 later on the same day I phoned them. They took my order, posted the stuff - then sent me a mail saying they wouldn't post until I had passed the verification checks. They never bothered to mention it had been posted the day before when I phoned them. Donkeys.
They're probably not using the internet then :)
Libraries, by the hour, friends place, there is an endless list of available internet connections, which don't require use of a phone, or having contracted/ paid for broadband. I should know, relatively speaking, not that long ago it was like that for me, no landline, no mobile, no bank account, no passport, no other photo ID, imagine that :doh:
Do you have cable or plain old broadband, 'cos broadband needs a phone line...

My broadband vomits out of the same box as my cable TV package, but a phone line is no extra cost - so I suspect you're right, if it required extra lines/equipment the price would reflect it.
Libraries, by the hour, friends place, there is an endless list of available internet connections, which don't require use of a phone, or having contracted/ paid for broadband. I should know, relatively speaking, not that long ago it was like that for me, no landline, no mobile, no bank account, no passport, no other photo ID, imagine that :doh:

So you think a business should take your word for it then? Put their business at risk because you can't verify your identity. Ok...
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