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Vaping 101 age verification

My broadband vomits out of the same box as my cable TV package, but a phone line is no extra cost - so I suspect you're right, if it required extra lines/equipment the price would reflect it.

Most ISP's in the UK use Openreach infrastructure. To use it you have to pay for a phone line rental. Virgin is an example of an ISP that doesn't use Openreach.
Apologies if this has been discussed before, but I’ve bought a couple of items from Vaping 101… and then been asked to use their age verification software. I need a photo ID - so driving license, passport, Citizen card (?) OR a credit card: none of which I have. I emailed them and told them to cancel the transaction, as I couldn’t provide what they wanted, and got an arsey email back about a ‘new law’ that all vaping companies have to do this. Is that true? I haven’t seen any discussion of this ‘new law’ on here :hmm: I am pissed off by this… it’s one thing to want to check people’s ages, but they should do it before they take my money surely?
It is law - its FAR from new tho ….
But you made your point with reference to you not having access to anything that would be used to verify it.
No i didn't, I never mentioned verification, I listed things I didn't have years ago, including a phone, but i did have a paypal account, whereby I would deposit money from a building society account and wait 10 working days to be able to spend that money (online).
No i didn't, I never mentioned verification, I listed things I didn't have years ago, including a phone, but i did have a paypal account, whereby I would deposit money from a building society account and wait 10 working days to be able to spend that money (online).

Sorry, I thought this thread was about age verification.
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