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@slizza786 loving them fruity flavours eh? ;)

Hi Kershybar,
Tell me, VRU's 'New BubbleGum' concentrate; what percentage mixing rate do you find hits the best spot? Just mixed some @ 20% steeped for 6 days; hardly any taste: now trying 25%. Next question - would it be an idea to list on the VRU site what flavors (if any) should be suitable for 'Shake & Vape'? Thanks in advance.
Hi Kershybar,
Tell me, VRU's 'New BubbleGum' concentrate; what percentage mixing rate do you find hits the best spot? Just mixed some @ 20% steeped for 6 days; hardly any taste: now trying 25%. Next question - would it be an idea to list on the VRU site what flavors (if any) should be suitable for 'Shake & Vape'? Thanks in advance.

Hey Bud!

We always mix at 20%, I've recently mixed some and left for a few weeks before vaping it and it tastes just fine! I'm really not sure what could be causing the bland taste. Bumping it upto 25% should be fine though. :)

It would also be a really good idea to add the list of 'Shake and Vape' but the downside to this is that all the clickable links are at the bottom of the page, and nobody really pays attention to them! But it's something on my to-do list right now so I can add it to the top of the page without making it look horrid.

Also, @daesimps, I've been trying to sort these listings out so they're all on one list, unfortunately I'm unable to fit everything on one page as I planned on doing. The only thing I've been able to do as of now, in the recommended tab when you scroll down a bit, the corresponding listing (New/Old) of each Size you're currently looking at will always be there as of now. Sorry, but the website limits our listings.
Had a look at the site.
Can't seem to find the one shots?
Mainly I was looking at for the black Astaire and pinkman?
Have these been discontinued?
Had a look at the site.
Can't seem to find the one shots?
Mainly I was looking at for the black Astaire and pinkman?
Have these been discontinued?

From the Homepage go to the the DIY Flavour Concentrates Wholesale, they're on that page, it's best to sort them by bestselling & the one shots are at the top. The 30ml concentrates are 1st & 3rd on the list


Pinkman & Black Astaire, which is called Black Stairs are both listed listed under the NEW! Concentrates
Hey Bud!

We always mix at 20%, I've recently mixed some and left for a few weeks before vaping it and it tastes just fine! I'm really not sure what could be causing the bland taste. Bumping it upto 25% should be fine though. :)

It would also be a really good idea to add the list of 'Shake and Vape' but the downside to this is that all the clickable links are at the bottom of the page, and nobody really pays attention to them! But it's something on my to-do list right now so I can add it to the top of the page without making it look horrid.

Also, @daesimps, I've been trying to sort these listings out so they're all on one list, unfortunately I'm unable to fit everything on one page as I planned on doing. The only thing I've been able to do as of now, in the recommended tab when you scroll down a bit, the corresponding listing (New/Old) of each Size you're currently looking at will always be there as of now. Sorry, but the website limits our listings.
Thanks for that Kershybar,
As a thought, being that you are stuck for space to put Mixing ratios and Flavour descriptions on the VRU site, could you not get them written in PDF format, save them to say, 'Dropbox' then put the link on a page within the site to enable people to download the PDF? Just a thought...:uk:
From the Homepage go to the the DIY Flavour Concentrates Wholesale, they're on that page, it's best to sort them by bestselling & the one shots are at the top. The 30ml concentrates are 1st & 3rd on the list


Pinkman & Black Astaire, which is called Black Stairs are both listed listed under the NEW! Concentrates
Thank you!
Looking forward to trying these out, especially the black Astaire to see how it co pairs as I do love that liquid!
First attempt at diy using the heisenberg 20%, 70/30 mix @6% nic , also added 1% koolada. First impressions are good, bought one of those coffee frothers and vaped right away, will be trying some other fruity flavours for sure.
Is the black astaire the same as zeus juice "the black" ??
,im also partial to the aov wolf blue astaire, anyone know how to add that kick ? Its quite like heisenburg but has something else added, cant figure out what though , and searches are finding me nothing,Cheers
I would be interested to hear others opinion of the 'New BubbleGum' flavour. Tried it, steep for nearly two weeks, very bland at now 25%. Just added 0.96ml/1gm of Raspberry Sweet ( TPA) to a 30ml batch; much-improved flavour now tastes of Raspberry. The jury is out.....:anyone:
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Any of you chaps have experience with the sherbert lemon or vimto? Not sure what % to go for. I'll be mixing at 70vg for mtl. Cheers
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