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Why quit?

I personally will never give up vaping. There is still no real evidence that it's harmful and some hearsay evidence that it can be beneficial.

It sounds like you're more concerned about the economy rather than the dangers, so your choices are either @Rickster's DIY, @MarylinC37's suggestion, or, if you really need 20mg salts, buy 20mg salt shots in bulk and add your own flavourings. A 10% mix would still leave you 18mg, so you'd never notice the difference. This would cost around £30 a month.
My brother-in-law vaped for about six years then gave up - didn't like the "faff" as he put it. I feared in a moment of stress or craving, he would buy a packet of fags...which is precisely what did happen. Might be worth keeping one vape set up or a disposable just in case it happens to you down the line.

Good luck with your decision - it is such a personal journey for each individual.
eheh .. I am trying to really reduce vaping though!

One imthing I do, I do not inhale during the day and inhale only after dinner in the evening sessions!
You are certainly not alone! Every one of us is here for the same reason. I quit smoking before without vaping and lasted about 3 weeks before gradually starting again, a few a week at first.

The problem was not a nicotine addiction but the change in habit. Something we've done for so many years and now moved onto vaping. I missed going out to the fag shed at work. Craving nicotine doesn't last so long but our habits do. And worse still I now have you guys and an interest in vape kit and researching different liquids and flavours, it passes the time and perfect with a vape in hand. I think about it all the time and I hated that my life (internally in my head) was generally revolving around my next fag break but without it, when quit, I justified it to myself all the time. I work 50 to 60 hours a week, don't drink, my only expenditure is petrol for work, I deserve a cigarette/vape if I want one.

So I'd say, take it easy on yourself, it's fucking hard and life changing! You can only quit if you are truly ready and until that point life is more shit without it. So do what you want and have a black Friday stock up if necessary!
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