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Yeah bye then Cotton Bacon.... HELLO Muji!

Once again, it needs perspective.

Anybody would struggle to get through more than £10 worth of fancy cotton in a year, £5 worth would do most people.

That's 10p a week. Half a ml of bargain basement juice. One 30th of a Smok coil. One 100th of a hand made drip tip.

Nothing surprises me anymore. I've experienced far stranger aspects of human behaviour in my lifetime than somebody vaping on crap cotton in order to save 8p a week.

I see your point. But I can't abide being ripped off. With the posh cotton you are mostly paying for the packaging/name on the packet, another thing I can't abide.
I see your point. But I can't abide being ripped off. With the posh cotton you are mostly paying for the packaging/name on the packet, another thing I can't abide.

I agree with you there, but we're getting ripped off all over the place and despite getting older and grumpier I've given up trying to avoid it.

Time was I'd walk to the other end of the High Street to save 50p on a coffee, and there was no way I'd pay 80p for a Pepsi from a machine when I had a fridge full costing 25p at home, but I can't be bothered anymore.
Ive still got half my muji from when I joined this forum .It does its job and is fabulous. All the posh cottons are good but I can't tell the difference to be honest . Its nice to have some other cotton just so you know , if its any good then get it. £5 quid of cotton is gonna last you a while and probably the cheapest thing you can buy to vape with. Cotton bacon/fuzz/ muji/ fanny is all fantastic cotton in some form or another. We all try wire and cheapo juices and never go back to the shite so a fiver on a designer cotton aint that bad of an outlay if it last a few months. You never know might get a good one.
Ive still got half my muji from when I joined this forum .It does its job and is fabulous. All the posh cottons are good but I can't tell the difference to be honest . Its nice to have some other cotton just so you know , if its any good then get it. £5 quid of cotton is gonna last you a while and probably the cheapest thing you can buy to vape with. Cotton bacon/fuzz/ muji/ fanny is all fantastic cotton in some form or another. We all try wire and cheapo juices and never go back to the shite so a fiver on a designer cotton aint that bad of an outlay if it last a few months. You never know might get a good one.

I've tried it all .... except i must try that Fanny cotton you speak of @tony68 does it scorch when well juiced up ? .....
do you have a link ? :14:
When I see the thread descent into chaos, it's no surprise when a 68'er is responsible ;)
I agree with you there, but we're getting ripped off all over the place and despite getting older and grumpier I've given up trying to avoid it.

Time was I'd walk to the other end of the High Street to save 50p on a coffee, and there was no way I'd pay 80p for a Pepsi from a machine when I had a fridge full costing 25p at home, but I can't be bothered anymore.

It isn't about the money. Purely the principle. It is also about resources, how much more waste is caused by that fancy packaging? I got into vaping to save money and I have. I also firmly believe that cheapest is not always the best choice. So it irks me that companies are claiming to make a superior product and are really just selling the same stuff in a better packet at a criminal markup. If the product was actually better then I would happily pay the premium.
I never really bought into the hype, dunno if the other stuff is good/better, only ever used muji myself.
shit, 3 68'ers on one thread now, there goes the neighbourhood, lol
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