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BB Preventative Maintenance

Thanks for the info gents much appreciated.

Tell me - have I got a shit O-ring here or is this a common issue - the glass will not slide over this red seal without pinching it and lifting it - tried various coercion methods for the last 40 minutes and starting to lose the plot

I guess you didn't add some juice to it before trying to move the glass back up. its one thing that helps especially with a new boro
SXK Boro tanks have always worked fine for me if you don't mind the clone solution. You can get them from Naturevape and Provapes in UK. Not sure where to source the seals from.

Nice one @rew that’s mighty decent of you - and for the record I’m all for a good quality clone alongside gen purchases. I’ll have a look at those sites now and make a purchase
If you put juice on it and that happened it could possibly be a tight fitting/faulty boro which has happened to me a couple times out of the box. Provapes have black gaskets in stock.
This may be a daft idea but maybe try putting the rubber gasket in the freezer for a little while so it contracts before putting it back together. It might be enough to get it stuck in place while you wait for a new one.
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