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Cigarettes in the news again.

The second story is quite interesting to me. I went through a stage of trying to reduce the nic content in my mixes ... mainly because I didn't want to be stuck trying to source nic base 'illegally' if nic base got banned. I started out at about 18mg when I first returned to vaping and reduced down to 10mg, then 5mg. I then attempted to go nic free. This wasn't a pleasant episode ... I struggled to get decent throathit and after a day or so I was climbing the bloomin walls, so went straight back to the 5mg.

Since then, I've actually increased my nic content and usually aim for 10mg in my mixes (which works well for me) and have no plans to reduce or cut out nic again.

I wonder if any future vaccine would do any good for me? I assume I'd still be climbing the walls from nic withdrawal symptoms wether it stopped any pleasure or not. I struggle to cope sometimes without putting myself through nic withdrawal, so wouldn't really relish the prospect of a vaccine unless there was a way to negate the withdrawal symptoms.

Plus which, I'm of the belief that nicotine isn't really that much of a problem ... yes, it's highly addictive, but I don't believe it's really that damaging .. perhaps on a par with caffiene intake?

The problem with nicotine as I see it, is that the 'health professionals' have a problem with nicotine and want to get rid of it, but if it was freely available, the fact that it's addictive shouldn't be a problem. Of course, my viewpoint is quite biased/skewed towards nicotine but then again, I believe the 'health professionals' viewpoints are just as biased/skewed ... just in the opposite direction.

If a vaccine did become available, would I try it (given the option)? In truth, I'm not entirely sure ... the prospect of being 'free' from nicotine sounds inviting on the surface, but I definitely seem to cope better with nicotine than without (perhaps that's just genetic or I have addictive personality traits?).

Mostly though, I enjoy vaping and since I'm not getting all the tar/chemicals/CO2 , I feel no guilt about vaping, so would I actaully 'need' a vaccine?

The 'health professionals' seem to think so, but a lot of them seem to be joyless puritans anyway, so why should I worry about what they think? <shrug></shrug>
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