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Classified Sections Etiquette.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
Hey Ho :) There seems to be some confusion and some misinformation around regarding The Classified Sections and the use thereof, so, in an attempt to clarify things somewhat, I thought a quick run through of what's what might help?

As you know, there are separate sections for.......
Accessories and Misc For Sale.
Atties,Clearo's, Carto's & Rebuildables For Sale
E-Cigs and Mods For Sale
E-Liquids For Sale
Mod Sales By Modders
Trades and Swaps
Members Wanted

In an ideal world, this should be simple enough to follow one would have thought, but, we don't live in an ideal world.

The "Clue" is in the Title of each section. If you have an item Listed For Sale....... It is For Sale. If it is For Trade, it is For Trade. If you list an item For Sale, but will entertain Trades, please list the item in The Trades and Swaps area as well.
By all means mention that it is listed there as well, but keep the discussions in the relevant sections. We require certain information to be present when a listing is made and that includes a picture, RRP, Payment and Postage Details. If you fail to comply, your listing will be deleted.

Responding to Listings: I work on the theory that if I am interested in an item, but have questions, I will normally say "PM'd You @xxxxxxx" This does several things, (1) Tagging the person "should" bring your PM to their attention. (2) It may be that by saying PM'd you @xxxxxx you have registered yourself as first in the queue should the Seller receive several PM's for the same item.

IF however you see an item and are happy with all the information displayed and wish to proceed with the transaction, you can of course just say so as a response....... BUT..... tag the Seller so they know!! It is usual that the transaction then moves to PM's between the Buyer and The Seller.

"Chatter": Please don't clutter up people's Listings with inane chatter and comments such as "Is this still available" when it has had no other responses and was listed a couple of hours ago!! Unhelpful comments about pricing etc will not be tolerated on the Public Forum. If you have issue with what the Seller is saying........ PM him please!

Now The BIG ONE! Marking an item as either Sold or Completed:
If you can List an item, you can also mark it as Sold, surely!! Why should Toby and myself have to trawl through the listing to find it has been marked as Sold on page 3 of the listing! Come On...... You can do your bit too. It isn't exactly hard after all.

Hopefully this clarifies things. If you still have doubts, just PM me.
Now go and ENJOY yourselves. :)
Thanks @Rob, that's as clear as my old Simpson BLACK visor.
Seriously though, you couldn't make it any clearer mate, hopefully all the effort put in by all involved is appreciated and things run smoothly. :)
It is For Sale. If it is For Trade, it is For Trade. If you list an item For Sale, but will entertain Trades, please list the item in The Trades and Swaps area as well.i[/USER]

fuck, sorry Rob ... seems I have broken the rules already. I'll go edit...
C'mon People!! How many times do I have to keep repeating myself?

When you PM a seller, PLEASE start your post with @members name then they "should receive a notification alert.

You are still staunchly refusing to mark your items as Sold. Two members didn't do this only 30 minutes ago!! Next person who fails to do this will find themselves in the Cooler for 7 days. Sorry and all that, but it's beyond a joke now.:(
People will make mistakes.
Let us all collectively hitch our britches and keep our jaw firm.
Let's take ownership and think within the box for a change.
Ever onwards!
Can i ask why i cant browse the for sale or trade ads anymore? I can only see the completed section.
Can i ask why i cant browse the for sale or trade ads anymore? I can only see the completed section.

The rules for the classifieds changed recently. They are now only visible once you have over 100 posts on the forum. See you there soon. [emoji106]
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