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Fasttech what a feckin joke

well this is abit embarrassing the order i made put in on the 28th of march & had to put a paypal claim in to get my money has just reached my local post office, know if this was a uk vendor i would post it back but sending this back to china would cost a feckin fortune more than what the item cost so sod em..
well this is abit embarrassing the order i made put in on the 28th of march & had to put a paypal claim in to get my money has just reached my local post office, know if this was a uk vendor i would post it back but sending this back to china would cost a feckin fortune more than what the item cost so sod em..
Send them a message explaining and offer to pay for it is what i would do.
One half of me says "sod them, faff about tax" but the other's saying the same as Ripple, all of this is just as stressful for them so I'd offer it up

I've been tempted to put in claims, I've a couple from late March but I know the same would happen to me

What's the maximum amount of time you can wait for a claim? Like, I don't want to wait 3 months & end up getting screwed myself by being too late to claim or something
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