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Flavour Ban?

Over the years some of my favourite liquids have been discontinued and companies have gone under that made some of them... I didn't go back to smoking, you just find something else to vape.... it's something most vapers have had to deal with already.

If people want to smoke then they will. I don't love mint vapes but if that's all there was I'm sure I would get used to it. We all know what smoking tastes like... and it's not candy.
True but there were no flavour restrictions. I've no idea why some think vapers should just have to get used to a prescribed nanny list of permitted flavours.
Flavours won't be banned. Too many folk like baking and making sweet stuff.
I cant think of any other instance that something that's done by adults and is illegal for under 18's to do is being banned or restricted, which will have a detrimental impact on adults, because of the illegal age group doing it.
I see no mention of all the Vodka, Gin, Beer and Cider flavours being banned because it entices underage drinking.
I cant think of any other instance that something that's done by adults and is illegal for under 18's to do is being banned or restricted, which will have a detrimental impact on adults, because of the illegal age group doing it.
I see no mention of all the Vodka, Gin, Beer and Cider flavours being banned because it entices underage drinking.

Underage drinking is in decline, young adults drinking at all is in decline, young people going to pubs is in decline.

Young people vaping has increased since disposables.

That's what this is all about, the government don't know or think anything beyond the graphs they are shown.
Underage drinking is in decline, young adults drinking at all is in decline, young people going to pubs is in decline.

Young people vaping has increased since disposables.

That's what this is all about, the government don't know or think anything beyond the graphs they are shown.
Drinking across all age groups is declining. My point was that alcohol is flavoured with all different flavours, not unlike vapes.
Years ago all there was only Apple cider, now it can be bought in tons of flavours. These flavour obviously appeal to adults because drinking is illegal to under 18's. How is this any different to the vaping flavours.
The act of smoking. That's why vaping is so effective because it mimics the act of smoking.

It's this simple

If you are addicted to the act of vaping you can continue to vape
If you are addicted to the taste of blue slush you can drink blue slush
If you are addicted to nicotine you can continue to use nicotine

I'm not saying I agree or want any restriction on what flavours people can or can't vape, but the government aren't going to buy any notion that banning blue slush vape (just as an obvious example) is going to increase smoking rates.

It's just a shit argument.

It would make more sense to say that banning tobacco flavours would drive people back to smoking. (and that doesn't make much sense)
It's this simple

If you are addicted to the act of vaping you can continue to vape
If you are addicted to the taste of blue slush you can drink blue slush
If you are addicted to nicotine you can continue to use nicotine

I'm not saying I agree or want any restriction on what flavours people can or can't vape, but the government aren't going to buy any notion that banning blue slush vape (just as an obvious example) is going to increase smoking rates.

It's just a shit argument.

It would make more sense to say that banning tobacco flavours would drive people back to smoking. (and that doesn't make much sense)
Fair point but dont see what this has to do with the comment I made in answer to an earlier post.
Drinking across all age groups is declining. My point was that alcohol is flavoured with all different flavours, not unlike vapes.

But they don't care because youth drinking is declining.

When it wasn't (when I was a teen) and we were all going out to clubs and getting wasted on the seafront every week they took action against alco-pops and it was the same stuff in the papers every week like with vaping now.
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