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Flavour Ban?

I think the answer lies somewhere in between, a bit of revenue always comes in handy and probably some journeyman tory has had the idea to link it all up and say it`s all in the name of protecting the kids, whatever it wont stop them from getting a right tonking in the polls, they are about as popular as a fart in a spacesuit atm.
Of course I think it is otherwise I wouldn't have said it. If it's pure nicotine addiction then gums and patches would be as effective as vaping but they arn t. Holding something in your hand, the act of putting it to your mouth an inhaling and blowing vapour out mimics that of a normal cigarette.
Even you Zou, pedant of the highest order, must see this.
I disagree. The government DO have a problem with flavours otherwise they wouldn't be trying to ban every flavour other than a couple. If they wanted to try and reduce youth vaping then enforce the current laws and penalise those selling vapes to youths. A £100 fine will do no good at all.

No they don't... they really don't.

Which is why there's been no list of flavours that are a problem for them. Just some vague ideas of what might be allowed, fruit, mint etc. they don't even have a clue what flavours are in e-liquids. Which is why there's no mention of 'nut' or 'coffee' flavours for example, which one could argue are much less attractive to kids than fruit or mint... which are basically both 'sweets' flavours.

It's purly political and largely nonsensical.
I must be missing the point here. Not playing devil's advocate, I genuinely cant see how the government can proceed with a flavour ban on the grounds of youth vaping.

They're making it illegal to sell tobacco to anyone born after 1/1/2009 so I wouldn't put anything past them. It's an election year and that's all any of those in Westminster are interested in hence the vast majority of them won't be saying nay to whatever is put in front of them if they think it looks good at the ballot box.
I must be missing the point here. Not playing devil's advocate, I genuinely cant see how the government can proceed with a flavour ban on the grounds of youth vaping.

Piss easy, they just say "Kids like sweetie flavours, so we are going to tackle that by banning the flavours they vape, along with a package of other regulations including making them more expensive"

Surely that's easier to see than the government proceeding with a flavour ban going

"We don't like the fact that adult vapers enjoy all these flavours, so we are going to ban them... just to be mean"?
when some MEP was going on about what a success the it had been that they had managed to get the European Parliament to change some of the regs to do with vaping (before they got passed into law).. I was stating that in fact it was not...
Anna Soubry.. :mad:

No they don't... they really don't.

Which is why there's been no list of flavours that are a problem for them. Just some vague ideas of what might be allowed, fruit, mint etc. they don't even have a clue what flavours are in e-liquids. Which is why there's no mention of 'nut' or 'coffee' flavours for example, which one could argue are much less attractive to kids than fruit or mint... which are basically both 'sweets' flavours.

It's purly political and largely nonsensical.
They've already specified tobacco, mint, menthol and another that will likely remain. I understand they haven't got a clue but nevertheless a ban on flavours will happen.
Even you Zou, pedant of the highest order, must see this.

yea, that reply made sense. but the question i asked you initially is what you think people are addicted to, if not nicotine. @Richard Winter said the act of smoking. obviously that’s not it. otherwise people would just smoke sawdust and toenail clippings. the addictive substance is nicotine. part of the addiction is reinforced by fidget/habit and/or other products of tobacco combustion.

still none of it relies on bloo slushy flavour concentrate. :)
yea, that reply made sense. but the question i asked you initially is what you think people are addicted to, if not nicotine. @Richard Winter said the act of smoking. obviously that’s not it. otherwise people would just smoke sawdust and toenail clippings. the addictive substance is nicotine. part of the addiction is reinforced by fidget/habit and/or other products of tobacco combustion.

still none of it relies on bloo slushy flavour concentrate. :)
So you disagree @zouzounaki that vaping is the most effective smoking cessation?
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