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Good quality Rose V2 Clones are here...

And you know the best bit? They do exactly the same thing! That's a reason why I ain't forking out top money on a tube that holds a battery. I'd rather save that money that I saved on buying my clone to go towards something with more importance like my kids, car, holiday etc. ;)

Sent from my HTC One using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
See the "they do the same thing" debate doesn't wash either.

why buy an expensive car when you can buy a cheap one? They both do the same thing.

Why buy a new car when you can buy an old one for cheaper? They both do the same thing.

and why drive a petrol when diesel works out more economical? They both do the same thing.

Why go on an expensive holiday? A cheap
one still does the job.

why the nice LCD TV? We can just pick up a second hand box that stepped out of the 90s, they both do the same thing!

why courvoissier? We can just buy Asdas own, it does the same thing.

and while your at it, all the food with a brand label on, stick it back on the shelf and replace it with own brand stuff, it all does the same thing.

infact, you know what, fuck it, just put all the food back on the shelf and just buy a few bags of rice, it all does the same thing after all, as long as were full up.
The onus of proof isn't on me. I don't buy clones ;)

But I wonder is it such a stretch of the imagination that a company who produce counterfeit goods (illegal), import them without paying taxes and tariffs (illegal) would employ child labourers or have really shitty working conditions. I like the notion people have that because I haven't personally inspected said factory, then I'm wrong to assume the morally corrupt company has anything other than fantastic pension schemes, paid holidays and Christmas bonuses for all!
Pathetic. You sound just like the rabid anti-smokers who attack vaping - I see smoke therefore it's smoke - ban it! Not many Chinese are going to give your moral framework the time of day, having different moral values does not mean moral bankruptcy. You want to provide loose facts and reflect them onto a specific - it's lazy thinking, and you're smart enough to know it.

Yes, if you like.
Or another way of looking at it, it is based on extrapolation from given, factual examples of a major Chinese employer, who are likely to have better working conditions than some of the sweat shops that will be about, and yet people still find it bad enough to commit suicide.

China aren't exactly known for their solid labour laws and good working conditions.

Or do you think they are?
Except that isn't statistical extrapolation is it? It's contriving a conclusion to suit your argument based on unrelated "facts" ... or pure assumption. So 80% of the Northern Irish drink Guinness, 49% are Catholic and 5% are priests - which makes you, by extrapolation, a drunken paedophile, right?
I've been to Shenzhen, I've visited factories and talked with the migrant workers who live in the dormitories. I've worked in Shanghai and Beijing and I've seen just as many Western reports on working conditions as you, maybe many more. Same goes for India, same goes for Mexico.

Now I'm not going to deny that there are industry sectors where working conditions are simply appalling, you'll find them in 3rd world countries across the world. What I am asking you to do is provide some evidence that the electronics companies and other high tech engineering companies who are cloning vape gear are also using child labour, slave labour, forcing suicide inducing conditions or whatever other emotional tag you want to pin on them. I want to see a link not this lazy, ignorant bollocks that fortunate Westerners love to reflect on unfortunate Asians.
Why buy all that stuff you say? I'll tell you why.

Because I chose to. Some things take priority and vape gear isn't my number one thing in the world.

Just gonna go have my curry now. Couldn't resist a Madras meaning Asdas rice was on offer. I'll use the saving I made tomorrow on a new pair of socks. ;)

Sent from my HTC One using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
What I am asking you to do is provide some evidence that the electronics companies and other high tech engineering companies who are cloning vape gear are also using child labour, slave labour, forcing suicide inducing conditions or whatever other emotional tag you want to pin on them. I want to see a link not this lazy, ignorant bollocks that fortunate Westerners love to reflect on unfortunate Asians.

OK. Try this...

The sad truth of HCigar : electronic_cigarette

That's one of the biggest clone makers too.
scrumpox - without meaning to be rude, there is something I have been implementing into my life recently and that is "pick your battles, because you can't win them all" and it works great.
I would kindly recommend you give it a go, and now would be a good time to give it a whirl. Because, well, it seems you are not going to win this one and seen to be just arguing for arguments sake, arguing because you want to win. So why not turn your computer off, have a little night cap and go for a snooze. Tomorrow's a whole new day maaaaan.
Another jolly thread with clone in the title then :)

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
Just thought I would pop in for a nose and see where this thread has gone since my last comment *sighs*

Leaves again with heavy shoulders :(
I've never spent much on a car, its just a thing that gets me from A to B and I don't go out driving just for the fun. Now I've spent some money on motorbikes and I'll just go out for a ride as a leisure activity, to me bikes are thing of beauty... thats how my priorities sit transport wise.

Now vaping, I have massive shineyitus, I think some of these attys are works of art! Sure I'd spend up to £70 on something real nice especially when I have a nasty case of gotta-have-ems.... but over £100??? do me a favour, if I spent £100 on a single atty I'd feel like shooting myself in the face, guess £70 is just my personal boundary on buying a superb bit of kit without feeling like "what the hell have I done?".

I think it'd be nice to perhaps see some designers working with established engineering firms that are geared up for volume, have the designers take a respectable royalty for their work, however the price can be kept down by volume production. Sure the price will start off higher to cover R&D but over time as the volume sold goes up the price could even come down as the volume sold climbs.

Sure I note the market may not be big enough for volume sales of many attys, TBF markets tend to stabilise themselves between supply demand and saturation. I'm sure the innovations would keep flowing regardless because when someone has a killer idea that they know will sell then they'll make it happen... In fact I'd imagine the market would have less "similar" products and more innovation under such circumstances.

Sorry if this is just dribble way off the mark.... I've not had a drink tonight ;)
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