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Good quality Rose V2 Clones are here...

You lot having fun :P

Er, well, it's been educational!

As a new vaper (which I've never been shy in declaring) I had absolutely no idea how it all worked when it comes to buying the so called high end stuff, now I know!

It would be interesting to hear a perspective from someone who's actually affected, one of the guys from Eden mods for example.
I think there's always a danger in arguments like this that people get offended on behalf of others, when in reality, those affected may or may not actually give a toss!
Er, well, it's been educational!

As a new vaper (which I've never been shy in declaring) I had absolutely no idea how it all worked when it comes to buying the so called high end stuff, now I know!

It would be interesting to hear a perspective from someone who's actually affected, one of the guys from Eden mods for example.
I think there's always a danger in arguments like this that people get offended on behalf of others, when in reality, those affected may or may not actually give a toss!

Mate youre a seasoned vaper now :grin2:
Mate youre a seasoned vaper now :grin2:

Was this the final lesson then? the "newbies guide to... how to lay my grubby mits on high end kit?"
Does this mean that... *sniff* I'm no longer a newbie? *bottom lip trembles*
I've only been doing this a few weeks, surely I still qualify? :D

I've even been vaping with my Tornado starter kit today! (true story!)

You enjoyed doing it? Then all is good and full of smiles in ape vape land I'd say matey
Oh while I remember drop me your address again I have a package to post to you I mentioned last week.
You enjoyed doing it? Then all is good and full of smiles in ape vape land I'd say matey
Oh while I remember drop me your address again I have a package to post to you I mentioned last week.

I did!
I filled it up with some Key West as a "palate cleanser" between the Hooch in the Kayfun and the bastardised mixture in the aerotank that even Miss P would be too ashamed to admit to :rotflmao: so we'll quickly gloss over that one!!
Anyhow, it vaped really well! Flavours a bit muted, not a lot of vapour but it worked, and worked well :)
I think it's all too easy to get wrapped up in chasing the vape all the time, nice to go back to basics sometimes :)

You, Sir, are an absolute gent. I shall drop you a pm now.
The money argument comes up time and time again and it drives me bananas. Mostly because time and time again, it's thrown in the faces of people who can afford original mods. The assumption always seems to be that people who buy originals have lots of money to chuck about and so our anti-clone stance is taken from a position of privilege and anybody not in said privileged position can justify buying clones because they 'aren't as well off'

Well, I buy originals, but Rockefeller I ain't- I don't drink, I don't smoke, I do my food shopping very sensibly, I haven't bought a new pair of shoes or new clothes in a VERY long time, a lot of the furniture in my home is bought second hand and I've done it up, I bargain hunt and discount find constantly, I spend hours on sites like hotukdeals and I negotiate the best prices on everything, I am a first class haggler. If I want an original mod and I can't afford it I save up..

It's all well and good if you don't want to spend x amount on a genuine mod, but to use money as an excuse like clones are your only option is, in my opinion, bullshit! There is plenty of reasonably priced genuine kit out there, nobody NEEDS high end gear in order to vape, they WANT it, so price becomes irrelevant to the argument.

Oh and as an aside, whilst we're on the subject of money, don't think your sly dig the other day went unnoticed. We could have chosen to justify why Sam and I own origional mods but aren't in a position to fork out for camping gear we wont use again for god knows how long, but frankly, it's none of your fucking business ';)'

Hi Jenny,the money statement is most certainly not an arguement from my point of view it`s a fact.So you can actually afford to save up for a Rose or three?Well I would love to be in that position,but it aint gonna happen for a long time,even then if I saved up I doubt very much I would spend that amount on an atty.I dont rob Peter to pay Paul I compromise,and a clone to me is a fucking good compromise.With regards to people throwing that money statement into the faces of those that can afford it that imho is complete bullshit.I would say there are more people spurting off with the likes of " I know so and so who makes these and it`s wrong " Fred and fucking Burt who makes these are friends of my bestest fucking matey mate and you are fucking them over! "

I have yet to see a thread or debate started by the OP having a go at people who have purchased an original piece of kit,it is always the other way around.We have a Jehovah witness hall down the road from us,fine,do your own thing as it does not worry me in the slightest, but don`t come knocking on my door preaching to me what I should and should not fucking do.You mention nobody needs high end gear to vape,I agree, as I do with there is plenty of reasonably priced gear out there,but we are talking the Rose V2 clone here.There was a mod maker on Facebook a few weeks back,cannot remember who it was but they posted up a copy of a conversation script they were having with a company in China.They got wind that they had cloned their mod,and they said that`s fine,but if you are going to do it at least work with us to get all the correct specs and tolerances of the engineering side of it all,that to me is how it should be done,but thats just one opinion.
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