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Has squonking been a revelation for you?

Oh yes.

Mainly because I was spending too much on stock coils for my tank. When I read up on rebuildables, the tanks sounded hard to wick and dripping sounded too much of a faff. Squonking was the obvious answer.
Sounds like you were doing it wrong...

In all seriousness, why did you not get on with it?

I don’t know really. Maybe it was the setup, maybe it was the faff of setting the setup up or maybe it was just being too comfortable where I’m at already?

I’m pretty much at vaping nirvana already for me to be honest, so trying new ways of doing things as opposed to further exploring the things I already know I like is possibly a fruitless exercise.
Add to that I actually enjoy the whole dripping process then it’s a dead end.

I see the appeal, just not for me unfortunately.
I have a squonker but my issue is finding a juice for it.

My ADV only tastes good in Kayfuns and I can't take any more than about 5ml at a time of any other juice so a squonker is pointless.

I also detest the Kanger Dripbox I have, but I've just ordered a Capo so that may improve things.
Squonking isn't as new as many might think, infact 2010 was the begining of squonkers, according to what i have learned the term Squonk comes from the noise made by the bottle when squeezed. So in a way squonking is not a progression it's sort of a return to an older way of vaping, just like Hipster beards which where a 70's fashion.
I first tried squonking about 2 and half years ago when the smokeless owl emerged

i was only a few months into vaping so my coiling skill was not upto it and the owl kit was sold. I now have 4 different squonkers which i use in rotation with my other mods and after learning to coil a lot better a couple of years back can now fully understand why squonking is loved so much and by so many. The Drone is my favourite squonker due to the dna chip and the duel battery config giving much better vape time than my 2 mech squonkers or VTinbox. I like to change vaping style so squonking is a nice change from using a tank or dripping.
For me squonking covers all my needs as far as vaping goes. Flavour with a bit (or a lot) of cloudage has always been important to me. Convenience and reliability, along with good juice capacity too. With tanks I have good days and bad days regarding leaking, there just never seems to be any consistency. To get decent capacity often means big beasts, that often require big builds, and small tanks like the smm just aren't working for me atm.

I like to drip when at home, and rdas give me the simplicity, accessibility, flavour etc. I want. Problem is that if I'm out and about, or even feeling lazy at home, on the Xbox etc. it's either inconvenient, or I can't be arsed to piss about dripping.

Enter squonking, both regulated and mech. I'm still learning but I've had a lot more successes with my builds, both big and small. Sadly my Tini isn't seeing a lot of action lately, purely down to it being very small, and the clone attys I have that fit not really cutting the mustard. The wasp nano on a resin box is my out and about all dayer. Simple, reliable, authentic, inexpensive, and with great flavour. 8 days solid use, whereas I'd normally be changing tanks nearly every day (boredom I guess) before. Refilling is either a quick bottle change or top up, or using a refill bottle doohicky. Super soft bottles take some getting used to, but once mastered then over squonking is history. Vape the wick nearly dry before putting in your pocket, bag, holster etc. then everything should stay dry.

3D printed boxes are plentiful, if not always easily accessible, and often bloody expensive, but I hope the rush of more affordable, yet reliable resin, wooden, or metal boxes continues. I'd like to see another dual cell regulated box come along, but maybe a little smaller than the drone (I love my drone).

Next thing to try is mtl squonking :)
I'm about to purchase a squonker as I like using a dripper but dislike the arsing around so I'm curious to hear off people who have moved to squonking and what they think.
Also if you've tried it and didn't like it tell me why?

For me personally I loved squonking so much that I started making my own when they were to dear to buy years ago. Now I just do them because I still like to. But one thing I don't understand when I see people asking about switching to or moving on to squonking. Why does it have to be either or, For me personally I enjoy my tanks, my drippers and squonkers equally all day and every day. Is not variety still the spice of life?
If you're used to rdas and dripping I don't think it's a revelation more than it is a convenience. For me it was just a natural progression as said above. I use an OBS engine as my default fail proof setup but at home only drippers, mainly big airy ones like the goon or kryten. A regulated squonker with a nano or hadaly is just a bit of home on the road with slightly less clouds. I wouldn't carry an RDTA in my suit pocket (not after a couple of ruined shirts). I have mech squonkers but they don't leave the house and I don't mind dripping when I'm in. Also, 7ml seem to be my at work consumption so no refilling needed :2thumbsup:
Oh I'll probably blow the dust off my engine or ammit at some point, just for a change, but I suspect I'll be back squeezing my juices soon enough.
Never tried it. Keep saying I will I will. The thing is I hate mess and if it leaked then I wouldn’t be a happy chappy
i bought a pico squeeze and for its size, price, ease of use it is a fantastic bit of kit, run either wasp nano or currently i have my Hadaly on there and it really is a fantastic wee set up, flavour is tremendous and very good vapour production, I do find myself still favouring my RTA's during the day etc, but i see why people fall in love with it, as said before all the benefits of an RDA without the hassles (except if you over squonk), i still enjoy the traditional RDA aswell though. I consciously try and not stick to the same method of vaping all the time, for the reason whether it an RDA, a squonker or RTA i enjoy every one for different reasons and have found where one lacks something another makes up for it, so different situations throughout the day will decide how i am vaping.
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