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Has squonking been a revelation for you?

Well ive got some super soft bottles & just made the hole in the metal cap larger & bottle know fits :)
Not really a revelation but I find it much better personally to squonk.

I loved the flavour on RDA’s but the hassle of dripping meant it was a stay at home vape for me.

Squonking on a little mech is just so simple and means I can be out an about with it too.

I still use a tank if I’m away for a long time on holiday etc but a day out or night away then I’m squonking.

I think both have their place it’s just choosing what’s best for you and your style of vaping.

Definitely a good thing that there Is more coming to market and they are more affordable. It was quite expensive to try before but now everyone can give it a go see if it’s for them[emoji1303]
The size format of a soul s on a Pico was a revalation, with over squonking being my only bugbear.
Wow, i am jealous of you m*t*r. I treat my mod and rta literally like a set of car keys shove it in the trouser pocket and hope it don't fall out. I guess i just have no respect for the vaping package itself. I'm pretty cave man as in this respect' ah, it is metal, ah, it has a metal casing, ah, as long as i dont let it turn up side down the juice wont leak much. Mod and atty fend for yourselves. On the plus side a vape and atty are more robust than any mobile phone out there shove in a trouser pocket and oodles cheaper.
@13mil to be fair I’m much the same with most mine there in a bag or pocket most the time but iv has more tanks leak in there than any of my squonk mods.

I use one with a lock to it won’t fire if it’s in my pocket an the button gets pressed.

And I always vape out the juice I squonked into the rda before it goes in a bag or pocket so it’s not full of juice.

Aside from that the simplicity Is just a winner for me [emoji4][emoji1303]
Never tried squonking but vaping has been a revolution for me, otherwise i'd be spending £40+ per week on sticks that harm my health.
Never tried squonking but vaping has been a revolution for me, otherwise i'd be spending £40+ per week on sticks that harm my health.

i think you should give squonking a try, get ijoy capo squonk when it comes out & you will be pleasantly surprised.
M*t*r, glad I'm not the only one. You have got squonking technique down to a tee.I'll try your tips when I build up the courage to make it my daily. Now here is another revelation about squonking. It's too bloody good, it's too bloody efficient, I had to stop and go back to me genni. I'm serious, ss mesh is all well and good when you chain vape, but when you chain squonk I feel od'd. Does anyone know what watts it's factory set too, the pico squeeze I mean. Cause I've got a 32 ga 9 wrap single clothes peg coil on mine and it is above the spec of which my body was designed to cope with? I've got a nice and flavour headache coming on and my nic content is 6 mgs and I normally have 8 watts set on a 1.2 ohm single bog standard snake coil. Please enlighten me if you have info
@13mil I believe the squeeze is capped at 50w, but your build will determine the actual output. What ohms is your coil coming in at? Once you know that you can work out the wattage, but I suspect it'll be quite a bit higher than 8w, hence the nic rush.
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