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Hi Guys I'd appreciate some advice


Oct 26, 2014
Finally moved into the world of rebuildables - Kayfun Lite Clone. Anima dripper clone and some pre-made 1.5ohm coils (cheating I know) and some 0.25mm 30awg kanthal.

Used the pre-made coils in the Kayfun with cotton wick and everything went well first time - great flavour and vape.

Decided to build a coil for the Anima. Bloody hell it's a small dripper should have gone bigger I think. Couldn't do it dual coil mode so converted to single coil taking out one of the negative posts. Built a coil and fitted it vertically and impressed with flavour and the hit. My question though is related to my coil build.

I did 12 wraps of .25mm 30awg on a 2.4mm rod and it finally came out at .27ohm after firing a few times and gently compressing with tweezers. I was expecting something above 1ohm so a little nervous going sub ohm. However using a brand new fully charged Efest purple 18650 35amp I thought should be safe.

My question though is does that final ohms sound right for the wraps/wire I used.
Also to build a 1.2ohm coil what gauge wire, rod/drill bit size and number of wraps would you recommend.

Are you sure it didn't read 2.7ohms not 0.27? that should have been closer the mark for your build.
Thanks for the replies. Measured coil resistance on screw on resistance meter and also using a multimeter .27ohm so not misreading it. I was surprised by the low rating.


Here's a pic of the coil. I assume I am doing something wrong with the build.
Has to be something wrong there. Strange it vapes ok to be honest, did the coil glow evenly when you dry fired it? The thing that would worry me is that you've got a decent battery that can handle 0.27ohms but if the build you've done should be a higher resistance it must mean it's shorting somewhere, what if it suddenly gets worse.
Has to be something wrong there. Strange it vapes ok to be honest, did the coil glow evenly when you dry fired it? The thing that would worry me is that you've got a decent battery that can handle 0.27ohms but if the build you've done should be a higher resistance it must mean it's shorting somewhere, what if it suddenly gets worse.

I agree that's why I asked the question as it really does bother me for the reasons that you are stating. Everything looked good, coil away from the posts and glowed evenly. It is giving a good vape but I am not happy using it. Do you think there could be a shorting problem with the anima dripper itself, is that even possible? Is there some way of testing, I think I'll put one of my pre-built 1.5ohm coils in it and see if that comes out as expected.
While you've got it all taken apart it might be worth checking the resistance with no coil in it, never know there might be a bit of stray metal somewhere in there. I doubt it's your coiling that the problem though by the sound of it so if it's ok or you find the problem and sort it I'd just go ahead and put another build in there, you might want to do a few less wraps than before though. Let us know how you get on.
Put the 1.5ohm pre-built coil in and its coming out at 1.6ohm so that looks fine. Had a look at my coil and doesn't look as tight as a pre built and it looks like one of the legs to the post was also touching the last coil, a bit of an overlap, which may well have been causing the problem. Thanks for the help.
While you've got it all taken apart it might be worth checking the resistance with no coil in it, never know there might be a bit of stray metal somewhere in there. I doubt it's your coiling that the problem though by the sound of it so if it's ok or you find the problem and sort it I'd just go ahead and put another build in there, you might want to do a few less wraps than before though. Let us know how you get on.

Found out what my problem was. I thought I was using 30awg Kanthal but it wasn't it was Ni-Cr wire which has a far lower resistance than kanthal. Thank god for that I was losing it for a while there.
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