All i'm gonna say about Anima is that she was always a sweetheart when treated correctly. A little time spent can give great results but she never was one of those 'chuck a coil in & away ye go' type of drippers, more of decearning vape for anyone who cares to take the time.
My tip, but this is based on a real Atmomixani device... Twin verticle micro (nano) coil, 0.25mm kanth, 2x8 wraps or 2x10 wraps around a syringe needle, aiming for around 0.8ohm - 1ohm. Some gentle tweezer action with the cotton & leave some air space between the two neg posts & the rim/edge. Just a short tuft sticking up from the top each coil & the rest tucked in gently around the bed between the pos post & the neg posts... That air flow is vital for a better flavour.
Some time spent on a good build has given me months of vaping from the same coils, an occasional rewick when required. Fiddly job but can be worth it although i can't speak for the clone version.
I'm also getting a good vape with a single coil at the mo'. Removed one of the two neg posts.