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Is Fastech going dowhill?

£70 for atty? jeeeeeeeeeezus(& I'm not religious)I'm baulking at £15+ for anything as that was my most expensive "allowance" for baccy. :)

Thank you - That was EXACTLY my reaction when I googled Kayfun Lite after it was mentioned a few times in here - no way can anything be 20 times better than my FT tanks.
I believe, I could be wrong on the prices....I had it set to show me prices in sterling. well something reset it to dollars grrt. So, my bad. I didn't mind the wait, and would still wait, but i'm just past my 45 days and at their mercy and trust. I'm just trying to tell them it's been in England nearly a month, so I don't know why I keep being told their post is busy, when it's our post messing up, not theirs lol.
Oh keep going with the 80's, my era :)

Thank you - That was EXACTLY my reaction when I googled Kayfun Lite after it was mentioned a few times in here - no way can anything be 20 times better than my FT tanks.

I'm quite guilty of this on two attys I have, think that's why I've banished myself to only looking on ft for the last few months lol

sent from my etch-a-sketch using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I have kept my opinions pretty much to myself in relation to FT, but now I am going to throw them into the melting pot. I have placed approx 15-20 orders with FT. Out of these orders I have received 5! 4 within 45 days, and 1 in about 60. I have raised several tickets, and found them to never been answered in a concise and efficient manner, other than 1, which I will come onto later. I find this has raised my frustrations in the past, so this is now what I do.

1. I decide if I really want the product, and will I be impatient once ordered, If YES - I go to a UK vendor. If NO - I will order from FT. I pay the dollar for Singapore post and tracking, but god knows why! I pay via paypal, and set a reminder for 44 days later.

2. If 44 days later I have not received goods, I raise PayPal dispute, and raise a ticket stating that I have and the reasons why. I never raise a ticket before this stage.

3. I have one order, that slipped through the net, and I never raised the dispute till it was too late, that was 3 months ago, and FT still wont refund! $78.00 down the pan.

Now on one order, I got my money back and received the order about 2 weeks later, so as I am fair, I raised a ticket explaining I had received, but had been refunded and so I wanted to pay, replied, sorted and paid within 24 hours, so if they can do that when it benefits them, why not when I have a problem?

Tracking, just forget it, lost at all different stages, loads of refund vouchers for items, I have had to cancel, so I could get orders out of their door, none of them ever used.

I believe they do have a place in vaping, I really do, and they are like 'marmite' some love them, some loathe them, but lets all respect each others opinion.

That's crazy 15-20 orders and you only received 5? I have 40+ orders and 3 I'm waiting on if these 3 arrive I have not had any go missing. Tbh the only issues I have had is the private v2 tubes broken and they sent replacements and then long delivery times but that's only been since the post crackdown with HK and Singapore other minor issues but that's about it.

One thing I have noticed is with there tickets in my experience if your nice and polite you get messed about but if your straight to the point they normally deal with the issue. They also lie and repeatably send generic messages as ticket response's.

Edit just to add to the above I have disputes open for the 2 orders above and I have just checked my PayPal and my disputes are closed and I have both refunds I don't know if PayPal refunded me or fasttech as I have no emails regarding these.
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Enough already !!!...

please make it stop .................................
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