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Kayfun V4 Clone Arrived - Gobsmacked

Just ordered the Moander version from James at PP as well. Had every intention of getting the original but for the sake of saving £100 and based on the feedback from the OP I thought I'd give this clone a try.
As has previous been mentioned, James responded to my queries in minutes.

Just heard from James that he's run out of the Tobecoo versions but still has the Moander ones in (they're on the site now). Hope I've ordered the better of the two versions. Paused for a minute when he said he'd already run out of the Tobecoo ones as I wondered if I'd ordered the better of the two after all. Guess I'll find out on Monday.

You can't fault the moander version mate? In design or quality.

The Tobeco may be just as good but I only have tried the one I have and its faultless
Glad to hear it mate. It was your OP that made me go for it. I hadn't even considered getting a clone of the V4 until I saw this thread. I just find it hard to believe that such a highly engineered device could be cloned that well at that price point. At £24.29 delivered though I thought I'd give a go.
Just ordered one and a bell cap(pre order) from puff palace-too many good comments not to
My new year's resolution wasn't too difficult, I didn't aim high, just to not buy any vaping related hardware for the first month of 2015.

Cheers OP, I lasted 24hrs.
So..... I have been watching this thread with interest.

I bought the original and it is by far the best vape i have ever had. If the clone is even 75% as good as the original then it will be the best £20 anyone can spend. I can see no reason why it not be very close.

I would love to be able to use the K4 at work but there is no chance the original is going with me, so I am actually happy that a good clone appears to be out there already

So with that in mind I have pushed the button too on PP's website :lol1:

I am looking forward to doing the comparison and i'm actually going to try and do a blind test using the same juice, same build, same wick etc. and see if i can tell the difference.
So..... I have been watching this thread with interest.

I bought the original and it is by far the best vape i have ever had. If the clone is even 75% as good as the original then it will be the best £20 anyone can spend. I can see no reason why it not be very close.

I would love to be able to use the K4 at work but there is no chance the original is going with me, so I am actually happy that a good clone appears to be out there already

So with that in mind I have pushed the button too on PP's website :lol1:

I am looking forward to doing the comparison and i'm actually going to try and do a blind test using the same juice, same build, same wick etc. and see if i can tell the difference.

I'd be very interested to see how that works out as I'm still planning on getting an original at some point soon. If there's nothing in it though saving £100 will be a massive bonus.
What are the bell caps made of, glass?

Yes. Todd's done a review of the glass bell caps on his youtube. Doubt they're from the same maker as the ones on PP but they look the same and look quite cool on the kayfun.
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