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living on the streets and covid

What percentage of people that are homeless/ sleeping rough do you think are junkies then? What is your definition of a junkie? Someone who injects shit, someone who is hooked on prescribed drugs, someone on coke, speed, crack, cannabis, a piss head? Or is it more about someone who merely looks like a junkie, IE: "That person looks well rough, fucking junkie, I bet" Our society has gone downhill because politicians of a certain political colour and rancid rags like the daily mail and their media baron owners tell us not to care about anything or anybody. The politicians and rancid rags peddle untruths, distort the truth, they encourage hatred and division, they have promoted the destruction of and then destroyed the social systems that have been in place for many many decades, that's why so many people are on the streets or living in squalid temporary accommodation. No one is disputing that ex military personnel get treated like shit and deserve so much better, a home, a pension, benefits. Finally, are you purer than the driven snow? I know I'm not.
One wonders what becomes what and when ................. I was a junky for many years, but worked and have never been homeless and never considered myself a 'no mark' because of my habit. Is it the homelessness that denotes the 'no mark' status? Or was I a 'no mark' all along? :D

Nobody starts off as a 'no mark' - people are complicated ............ which is why respect should always be the default setting?
I was never a junkie, but I was homeless. And I don't know what a no mark is, so I suspect I probably was one.
And I don't know what a no mark is.

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