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Mask exemptions

Will never happen mate.

Lets consider the implications.
Government say it is now law that you have to wear one when outside.
If that happens, where do all these masks come from, if everyone in the UK has to wear just one each day it would create a sourcing need for 68 million per day, at a time when countries are struggling to obtain just their medical establishments needs.
Even if that amount can be sourced, who is going to pay the 30 million or so cost.
Conclusion, the government (no matter who / party) will not do it, because if it becomes law these two factors alone would be down to the government.

But is the advisement not to use a face covering? Different thing to a mask.
But is the advisement not to use a face covering? Different thing to a mask.

I believe (correct me if I am wrong anyone)
That the same thing applies, if you you have breathing difficulties you are exempt from wearing a mask, scarf, or any form of face covering that would make your breathing worse.
I believe (correct me if I am wrong anyone)
That the same thing applies, if you you have breathing difficulties you are exempt from wearing a mask, scarf, or any form of face covering that would make your breathing worse.

I meant in response to the sourcing of 68 million face masks a day.
A reusable mask, or a 'face covering' puts the onus on the public to provide.
@Nick o'Teen @vapemac

Further to my post regarding supply & cost of face masks.

Just been watching the early "paper reviews" and SKY news, regarding this.
Now obviously I do not have a crystal ball, but it was interesting to see both of them.
It seems as though it may be a mix of confusion, and press stirring.
First one was two newspaper headlines saying that the Gov WOULD make them compulsory.
Next the news quick introduction by the presenter said they would become mandatory in shops.
Next up was a video of Boris on a walkabout in his constituency wearing a mask, and also behind a desk where he said we "may have to stricter in insisting people wear face coverings in confined spaces"
Not much mention there of mandatory in shops...................
It may well happen in the future, but the media seem to be stirring things up as best they can.
I meant in response to the sourcing of 68 million face masks a day.
A reusable mask, or a 'face covering' puts the onus on the public to provide.

I see now, I think we had our wires crossed a bit there.
Understand where you are coming from now.
Tricky one actually, I understand what you are saying about calling it a face covering putting the onus on the public, but if the government makes something mandatory (press words, not mine) then could it not be said that the government has to supply everyone that does not have a scarf with one of those, hang on a mo, two because you would need to have one in the wash all the time. On top of that, at the moment everyone says a scarf is just as effective, suppose in a month. or so the government advisers say, are we have just found out they are no fucking use at all, and loads more people have died. Public may want to sue the gov / advisers.

Not trying to be funny / piccy, but if a government makes something mandatory, without actually supplying approved equipment it can lead to wide ranging repercussions. (just look at the shitstorm over ppe for hospital & care homes)
Now if you use terms like "if you have no face mask you could make use of a scarf" and "strongly recommended" rather than mandatory, that paints a whole different scenario.
Will never happen mate.

Lets consider the implications.
Government say it is now law that you have to wear one when outside.
If that happens, where do all these masks come from, if everyone in the UK has to wear just one each day it would create a sourcing need for 68 million per day, at a time when countries are struggling to obtain just their medical establishments needs.
Even if that amount can be sourced, who is going to pay the 30 million or so cost.
Conclusion, the government (no matter who / party) will not do it, because if it becomes law these two factors alone would be down to the government.

When outside and unable to socially distance, Bez. In other words, crammed together, at less than 1 metre.
@Social Misfit it’s mandatory in scotland from yesterday (i think) in shops and public transport. My wife went into waitrose yesterday and they gave her a paper one at the door. See this page on the scot.gov website.


But there is this paragraph on exemptions, so you should be okay.

  • you have a health condition or you are disabled and a face covering would be inappropriate because it would cause difficulty, pain or severe distress or anxiety or because you cannot apply a covering and wear it in the proper manner safely and consistently. Individual discretion should be applied in considering the use of face coverings for other children including, for example, children with breathing difficulties and disabled children who would struggle to wear a face covering
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