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Mech mod - cleaning contacts


Apr 7, 2014
I only have one mech mod, and have noticed the contacts didn't take long to look really grubby. I've had a bit of a look on YouTube, the 'grubbiness' is apparently down to oxidisation, is that right?

My question to you lovely apes is how should I keep them clean (and more importantly effective)? I've seen a vid saying to use an emery board followed by a fibreglass pen. Is this the best route or do you have different methods for cleaning the +/- contacts?

Any help would be much appreciated.
I noticed this and started using wd40 with cotton buds and old toothbrush
Autosol cleans all! ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1420638254.564691.jpg
What about this fibreglass pen I've seen? The guy in the vid used an emery board thing then just lightly scribbled on the contact with the fibreglass pen.
What about this fibreglass pen I've seen? The guy in the vid used an emery board thing then just lightly scribbled on the contact with the fibreglass pen.
Tubbyengineer was kind enough to clean some of my threads at Hawkshead with one after they had got extremely grubby and seized. It's fairly abrasive so something to be used sparingly I would say, if the contacts will come clean with just the polish or something mildly acidic like the ketchup then you don't really need it.
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