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Mech mod - cleaning contacts

While on the subject of cleaning mech mods, the vid I watched recommended alcohol wipes for all the threads. Is this best, or am I better off with the polish/ketchup again? Oh, and thanks for all the tips, never thought of it before but the mod seems to not be hitting as hard as when I bought it, and as I said, the contacts look a bit worse for wear.
While on the subject of cleaning mech mods, the vid I watched recommended alcohol wipes for all the threads. Is this best, or am I better off with the polish/ketchup again? Oh, and thanks for all the tips, never thought of it before but the mod seems to not be hitting as hard as when I bought it, and as I said, the contacts look a bit worse for wear.

If you have alcohol wipes, polish your mod first and then use the alcohol wipes after :)

Alcohol wipes / isopropyl alcohol are great for cleaning electrical components such as switches etc

As the metal oxidised it becomes less conductive and therefore goes from hitting like Tyson to hitting like a child
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