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Moronic video from a moron

I hate videos that have jump cutsThere is supposed to be a small gap between one sentence and the nextWhy do these twunts feel the need to remove those gapsIt just makes the information harder to digestNot that there is anything interesting in his videosHis hat is indeed stupidDont waste your time watching this extreme doofus.
Agree about the jump cuts, it's like watching Max fukin Headroom at times. He makes my knuckles sore.
RIP has always attracted polar opinions but as THE most successful You Tube vape reviewer out there he's clearly not an idiot. Does he sometimes make poor judgement calls, clearly a resounding yes as this is at least his second after the cream debacle.

I do subscribe to his channel because if I want a quick overview of a new product he can deliver that and then I can decide if I want to see a proper review by Vic, Phil or Daniel. Yes he does get irritating but he gets a lot of info across in a very short time and the jump cuts help him achieve that. That's just his style, it's not going to suit everyone just like Vaping Bogan isn't going to - I can't stand the guy.

So the conclusion is that as with juice, taste is subjective. His millions of fans aren't wrong but neither are his millions of haters.

So onto the product. On a personal level I like the packaging and if the juice was good and reasonably priced I'd buy it. But, and it's a big BUT! With all the rubbish press and scrutiny the industry is suffering these days I find it incredulous that a company as big as them have been dumb enough to even contemplate releasing this product in this format. They're just giving the anti vape lobby and the FDA more ammunition. Just proves that they, like RIP are after a quick buck.

Granted, most already knew he was a fucking idiot, but yeah.


Im with those who can't bring themselves to watch it. Mate he looks like a moron straight off the bat. If anyone here ever meets him, punch his lights out for me will ya!
Back in the day, he was one of the 'go to' reviewers, sadly, he's completely sold out now.
Every vid he does now is sponsored by the maker of the product he's reviewing, consequently, every RDA, RTA, tank, mod or juice, is the greatest RDA, RTA, tank, mod or juice he's ever tried.
Can't believe a word he says now.
RIP lost any respect when he did a promo for some cream a while back, the whole thing was a farce and he got torn to pieces, even went quiet dissapeared for a while. I am guessing that this latest ad will also discredit him further and other reviewers may well pull him apart again for it. If you didn't see that one i will link it and a response.

Ok, so I personally don't like the way he's done that video any more than I like the Soda can e-juice review. BUT it's not enough for me to consign Rip Trippers to hell for eternity. I am not a zombie who watches his videos and then goes into auto buy mode "I must buy Ultima, I must buy Ultima, I must buy Ultima". And I doubt any of his subscribers are either. If i don't like a video I stop watching it and I wouldn't have watched the entire video if I came across it on my own. Having said that, it sounds to me like every problem he listed could very easily have been caused by dehydration. And electrolyte supplements would certainly help that. When you have diarrhea, what do you buy? Re-hydration supplements. Which contain electrolyte. I do not like the way he kept going on about it with his conditions coming back again and again but I don't know 100% what his side-effects are and how frequent they are and what caused them because I don't personally know him. And I don't know whether or not he actually uses this product. Maybe he does. Do you know for a fact that he doesn't? I don't buy the reply video comment about the water bottle having no label proving that he was paid to do it. I remove the labels of all the water bottles I use. The comment that he is overweight coz he only films his head in the video, err no. I've watched his fishing videos and he doesn't look overweight to me. Yes, it's a questionable video, as is the soda can review but I am an adult and I can choose what I think I need and don't need and I am pretty sure the rest of his viewers can do the same. According to him he was not paid for the video directly and only profited via an affiliate link and traffic generated like every other video where an affiliate link is posted. I can believe that also. He has been a massive influence in vaping over the years and during that time has done a lot of good things including raising money (and donating money) for advocacy. I've seen many videos where he donates a portion of his juice sales to advocacy groups. Everyone who says his reviews are shite coz he never bashes any products could also take note that his reply to that is that he reviews products he has tried and likes. If he doesn't like a product he doesn't review it. And to be fair, every video review I have seen he does mention every thing he sees as negative about it.

If you dislike him, you dislike him. If you like him, you like him. He has a hell of a lot of subscribers so he is obviously doing something right for somebody. Does that mean he never makes mistakes? Of course not. We ALL make mistakes. Should we all be judged forever on past mistakes? He made a mistake and he removed the video. Life goes on.

Tbh, I am actually quite shocked at the level of vitriol this thread has induced. Think I'll sit this bus ride out.

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Is he a moron? No. Do I like his style? No.

He is too brash for me. His videos are obviously aimed at the 18 - 30 hipster types that want in on the next big thing. If you don't like him then don't watch his videos. As for the juice, I doubt I would choose to buy it as you will obviously be paying pretty penny for that packaging and I don't like paying for packaging. Also the flavours on offer have been done to death by a myriad of other companies.
I guess if it helps dry knuckles, it is worth it ;)

Seriously though, this is the type of shit that gives us problems. Pokejuice was bad enough, but juice in a can? I see a big risk here.
I guess if it helps dry knuckles, it is worth it ;)

Seriously though, this is the type of shit that gives us problems. Pokejuice was bad enough, but juice in a can? I see a big risk here.

What problems does it give us?
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