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My new favourite cloud chasing coil


May 20, 2014
So having only two types of wire available for my builds at the minute I decided to pop open a few tins and experiment a little tonight. What I've ended up with is the nicest vape I've had to date!

So starting with some 28 gauge kanthal I stuck it in a drill and gave it a good ole twist. Having just pulled out my dual twisted parallel build out of the Stillare I decided to try something similar and this is what I've settled with.


Well not quite, it looked so lonely in there I decided to give it a friend :)


This thing is absolutely chuckiiiiingggg the vapour out and even at such low resistance it's buttery smooth compared to my previous which at the time I thought was great.

Took fooking ages to build due to the very limited space in the post holes but after about 45 minutes of tinkering and fucking around I got it looking as good as I possibly could. Flavour wise its immense, absolutely amazing.

I know people are likely getting bored with my constant seemingly pointless posts now but as a newbie at this stuff it really excites me when things fall into place and hopefully they might help someone some day, jk I just like to show off a little :D

If anyone has some other builds I can try with the wire I have available please let me know.

Every experiment is worthwhile, you learn as much from failed builds as you do from successful builds. :)

Coils look good btw, parrallel ribnon and twisted?
That looked interesting, so I tried it. You didn't mention what kind of ribbon wire you used, IrishHobo, so I went with 0.5x01mm, and the dual coil setup came out exactly the same as yours, at 0.16ohm. The chief difference was, I built it in an Igo-W, the Stillare being still full of a perfectly good build I wasn't about to discard.

Surprisingly tasty, I thought, and it certainly kicks out the vapour - but much too hot for my tastes. I'll be scaling back to 0.3-0.35ohms next time, I think. Glad to have been there and experienced it, thanks for the inspiration, but I think I've found where my lower limit lies...
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