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New DIY'er Looking for any Tips and advice

Wizzy is good for mixing, import recipes, adds steeping date to calendar ....
Damn I'm struggling to find a app for iOS I used the calculator on here atm and am enjoying using that it's sooo simple and I have a windows mixing calculator. Just wish I could find a app for iOS would make it just that little bit easier. Although if I can't find one I'll manage as I do enjoy keeping it all logged in my little leather refillable notebook. It has a calendar section I use for steeping dates etc so I'll manage and I use the POTV calculator in safari on my phone anyway
@zouzounaki do any come to mind?

So I have a simple one called "my juice" which just lets you put volume of liquid and percentage of flavours and calculates the volume of flavours you need to add. All I need cause I mix up big batches of base liquid in advance.

But I'm sure there is another one that works out pg/vg ratios as well. Try searching "e juice calculator" on the app store.
There is two on there that I can see, one doesn't work out any nicotine ratios at all! Obviously to comply with apples no tobacco related product policy which forced the POTV app to disappear from the App Store. And the other just doesn't look like a very good one and hasn't been updated since march resulting in a very outdated app and I'd rather use the the POTV calculator on safari browser
Cheers for the suggestions though
No worries. You could always save the potv page as a button on your home screen to make accessing it easier.
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