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New member,need some advice

Yeah,that was the problem, I think the first few tries I tried to stuff the well ,thinking more the better and its not going to leak,it's not the case because I just fluffed the cotton on the last try pushed a bit in the well juiced it and it went ok

Well done @Chilly and welcome to POTV and to coiling and wicking. No turning back now! With the cotton try resting it on the juice well and allowing the fluffed bits to sit below rather than stuffing cotton in. It’ll increase flavour and reduce set hits trust me. The Serpent is a great tank to learn on by the way. It is definitely trial and error when you start. Ive only been doing it a few months myself and like you found getting the wicking right for flavour and to avoid dry hits the trickiest part.
The thing to get right with any rta is the wicking (the amount of cotton used), often less is more. If you use to much cotton you will get dry hits (no flavour or burnt flavour). Not enough cotton and it will leak. Don’t despair you will get used to it, then the flavour and cloud production will be worth all the trial and error.
As for coils get yourself a decent coil jig for making the coils and it’s a case of practice but if you get to frustrated there are many places to buy pre made coils and your device has the capacity to fire many different types of coils and resistance’s.
Some really good info,getting the wick right can be hard,I got some muji organic cotton and find it easier to work with than bacon
I'm enjoying this,to change flavour I just tip the old juice back ,change wick after cleaning tank and I'm all set,no left over taste that you get with sub ohms,some top info on this site,thanks everyone
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