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New to temp control coils


Jun 6, 2015
Hi, I have just got hold of some
22g Nickel Ni200 wire and have done a quick search and think I have probably bought the wrong gauge wire and also my coil calculator says I would need over 163 wraps for a 0.5 coil. I got the wire on a whim from fasttech as I have the Snow Wolf 200w nd wanted to try the temp control, so I'm not sending it back. Was just wondering what if any other types of coil that could be built using the 22 gauge Ni200 wire? Thanks
Hi, I have just got hold of some
22g Nickel Ni200 wire and have done a quick search and think I have probably bought the wrong gauge wire and also my coil calculator says I would need over 163 wraps for a 0.5 coil.

Yeah, 0.5 Ohm is high for any Ni200 coil, 0.15 Ohm is more realistic, but still you'll struggle to get 0.10 Ohm with 22g.

Have you got any cheese you need to cut? Can't think of another use...
Haha yeah, guess I could get the woodwork tools out and make a cheese cutter. Lol. Was fearing the worst. Well a few cheese cutters it is and I will tie some bushes up in the garden with the rest. Thanks danb
As you can't use it, why not make a wire sculpture, something fun. There are alot of great ideas on Google image. Someone might like it and buy it off you :-)
I always seem to buy the wrong stuff first. Did exactly the same with some O-rings for the Lemo 2 and also with making my own juice just have a load of VG PG and flavours that taste rubbish. Lol
use the useless o rings to make a bracelet? lol
Lol. Don't know why all of this other crap is made, just a way to make money from fools like me. Lol.
@five_bellies what batteries are you using in your Snow Wolf? I've got one on order and have in my possession two Efest IMR 18650 3.7v 20/35A 2500mAh. I'm majorly confused by the steam engine calculations as it would seem with these batteries I can only go up to 65w on wattage control on a sub-ohm coil. Also, the battery drain calculator doesn't seem to have an option for TC. Any info you have on this before I 'plug and play' would be gratefully received.
I have 2 sets of batteries one set is efest 2800mah 35a the other is also efest but 3000mah 35a. Steam engine doesn't have my batteries in the list and also I think Steam engines list of efest batteries only goes upto 30a. So that might be one of the problems with the calculations you have. I mainly vape at 50w with no problems. As for temp control I'm not sure as I bought the wrong wire, lol.
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