And it also depends on the the resistance of your coil. I think that it is showing you how high the wattage can be for that certain coil. What's the resistance of your coil?
I haven't decided yet. I've put a few values in there and was thinking about a dual coil build of around 0.4ohms. That way I can pop it on my ijust2 mod. I suppose I'm more curious about the TC resistance (although I haven't got any Ni200 wire yet as I wasn't sure of the gauge.
Sorry I couldn't answer your question on TC. I bought 22g Ni200 and is far to thick for making any type of coil. Think you have to get Ni200 above 30 gauge, as it is a lot thinner! I'm running a dual coil at 0.4 at 50w on my Snow wolf.
Efest's amp limits are completely wrong, best you gan get out of an Efest is 20a for the 3000mah, you'd be better to get a set of Samsung 25R's or the LG Sony VTC4's