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New user - Question about building RTA

i'll check when I'm back from the game. Would that explain any of it?
I'm far from an expert, but thought it worth checking you were running the right wire in the right mode. Others will know better than I! :D
Cool. That's one thing sorted then ...... hopefully that's what the coils are intended for. :)

And blimey ........ you got scarier ....... nice pic ...... ;)
Hi there, the Zeus Dual is really good for flavour, but the coils really need to be at the correct height to get the airflow hitting the coils in the right place.
I have one and it can be difficult to get spot on, but very rewarding when you do.
Youtube build tutorials are your friend...;)

Stick with it, it's worth it in the end.
If you want to pop the flavor I will give you a tip! Watch your air flow when you place your coils! You want the incoming air to hit your coils at their bottom-middle part of them! Furthermore try to place your coils as close as possible to your air flow, without touching anything ofc! And by the way try to close your air flow a bit when vaping... It will pop up the flavor a bit as well!
Make sure to drive your claptons with plenty of watts also(they need way more than regular round wire), they'll come off pretty cool and flavourless if you don't chuck them plenty of watts.
I am running a Single Clapton in my Rose3 at 20watts to get it working properly, I usually vape at 15 watts but a Clapton requires more punch to get it really working. It would benefit from more power no doubt, but I hate anything approaching a "Warm/Hot" Vape. so 20 it is for now :)
How does that not come off muted Rob? I have to put at least 50 watts through my single clapton(in the dead rabbit) to bring flavour inline with my 1.0ohm siren builds, anything less and i'm just chucking juice away for clouds with less flavour.

ANd i'm not saying i don't get flavour, it's massively nice and spot on 55-60w generally (0.8 build), but i'm spending massive amounts of juice in the process.
How does that not come off muted Rob? I have to put at least 50 watts through my single clapton(in the dead rabbit) to bring flavour inline with my 1.0ohm siren builds, anything less and i'm just chucking juice away for clouds with less flavour.

ANd i'm not saying i don't get flavour, it's massively nice and spot on 55-60w generally (0.8 build), but i'm spending massive amounts of juice in the process.
Rob's à MTL vaper and will have a suitably small clapton for vaping that way - he's saying he needs to bump it up more than his usual build due to the clapton needing more oomph to power it. So a small, single coil MTL vape.

You're going with bigger dual coils at much higher power/airflow, so yes you're going to use much more liquid. The dead rabbit isn't the most flavourful RDA out there, plenty are much better.

If you're concerned about liquid usage, make your own, it's really cheap as well as easy to do - I only mix from vendor supplied concentrates now; a 30ml concentrate costs £8-10 for good ones, they are generally to be mixed at 20% which gives you 150ml of finished liquid. Under a tenner for 150ml, and you can do it even cheaper but I'm a lazy, fussy bassa :)
What sort of ohm clapton is working at 20 watts? 2ohms? I get pumping it up for claptons, from my own experience the wattage variance has been more significant than an extra 5 watts, and it's why i'm curious. Don't take the dead rabiit comment too mean much, i use it only as a flavour measurement(i like it, but it's not economical on juice full time), in reference to the tank(RTA) not the much praised dripper(i'm not that big of a flavour chaser).
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