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Panorama On Teenage Vaping

quite a good article.
Not sure what you mean by "good', but a few negatives spring to mind...
Vaping in toilets has become so disruptive at the school that it has spent £20,000 installing vape sensors.
It's not my fault that the school (or Council) got ridiculously overcharged installing a few vape (or smoke) detectors.
It will just push the kids to vaping behind the bike shed (like we did, when we smoked as kids).
There are few restrictions on how vapes are marketed in UK shops and she agrees with those who argue that, with their bright colours and fruity flavours, disposable vapes are deliberately designed to appeal to young people.
Complete BS -
Different colours help distinguish between the flavours.
Fruity flavours are the probably the most popular flavours amongst everybody, no matter what age you are. I'm getting sick of this argument: It's important to have desirable flavours for vapes, so that people can find a flavour they like, and therefore use vaping to give up smoking (or continue to not smoke).
Disposable vapes were designed to be used for night-out kind of usage, but are mainly used by people for laziness and convenience factor, and those that have greater disposable income, which tend to be younger people. This does not mean that they were deliberately designed to appeal to young people, it's just the way it turned out.
UK regulations state disposable vapes must not contain more than 2ml of e-liquid, which amounts to about 600 puffs.
But bigger vapes, with thousands of puffs, are widely available. Leia will often buy ones offering many times the maximum volume of e-liquid.
That statement is giving the impression that larger capacity vapes are inherently bad. They are not. They are simply against the regulations (that make no sense).
"I just don't think you know what you're smoking," she says.
You're not smoking, you're vaping; and if you used ones that are legal, then they have been fully tested for toxicity & emissions, and passed for approval by the MHRA.

in summary, it is essentially a propaganda piece trying warn kids off vaping (which is fair enough), but doesn't spell out that Leia (the girl in the article) is far better off vaping than smoking (which is what she started out doing).
Not sure what you mean by "good', but a few negatives spring to mind...

It's not my fault that the school (or Council) got ridiculously overcharged installing a few vape (or smoke) detectors.
It will just push the kids to vaping behind the bike shed (like we did, when we smoked as kids).

Complete BS -
Different colours help distinguish between the flavours.
Fruity flavours are the probably the most popular flavours amongst everybody, no matter what age you are. I'm getting sick of this argument: It's important to have desirable flavours for vapes, so that people can find a flavour they like, and therefore use vaping to give up smoking (or continue to not smoke).
Disposable vapes were designed to be used for night-out kind of usage, but are mainly used by people for laziness and convenience factor, and those that have greater disposable income, which tend to be younger people. This does not mean that they were deliberately designed to appeal to young people, it's just the way it turned out.

That statement is giving the impression that larger capacity vapes are inherently bad. They are not. They are simply against the regulations (that make no sense).

You're not smoking, you're vaping; and if you used ones that are legal, then they have been fully tested for toxicity & emissions, and passed for approval by the MHRA.

in summary, it is essentially a propaganda piece trying warn kids off vaping (which is fair enough), but doesn't spell out that Leia (the girl in the article) is far better off vaping than smoking (which is what she started out doing).

If it hint's at a ban narrative...even a whiff Zou will consider that good
You missed one @zouzounaki

"Adults - including himself - also like sweets, he says, but conceded that the flavour name "Unicorn Shake" should not be allowed."

Unicorn Milk was around when I started vaping 10 years ago when it was unheard of for kids to be vaping, so it's ridiculous to suggest this is aimed at kids.
Unicorn Milk was around when I started vaping 10 years ago when it was unheard of for kids to be vaping, so it's ridiculous to suggest this is aimed at kids.
I was always thought that Unicorn Milk/Vomit etc had the name Unicorn in it to try and give the impression that the type of flavour was derived from a mythical beast, hence extra special... (nothing to do with appealing to kids)
.. but it wasn't unheard of for kids to be vaping back then.. it just wasn't plastered all over the press like it's the scourge of society, and the next generation are all going to hell in a hand basket because of it...

Although from the US, this article relates here -
Is it time to de-demonize this drug?

Most Americans are not aware that US teen nicotine use from cigarettes or nicotine vapes is lower today than it has been at any time in the past 50 years. This is a super-easily factcheck-able fact base on NIH and CDC surveys. So it’s odd that these government agencies are not informing the public of this fact.
Doing so would involve de-demonizing nicotine. I have to assume that many public health experts and leaders are reluctant to do that.
I believe that preventing 480,000 US smoking-related deaths every year should be a top public health priority.
You missed one @zouzounaki

"Adults - including himself - also like sweets, he says, but conceded that the flavour name "Unicorn Shake" should not be allowed."

Unicorn Milk was around when I started vaping 10 years ago when it was unheard of for kids to be vaping, so it's ridiculous to suggest this is aimed at kids.

do you not remember debates on here years ago about this stuff when the antis were on about marketing to kids, way before disposables were a thing? this stuff is no new. they just have more ammunition now so there are articles on the bbc etc.
they just have more ammunition now so there are articles on the bbc etc.
The only extra ammunition they have now is that more kids are vaping now because less/hardly any kids are smoking now.
Why they can't work out that simple equation and translate it into being a good thing, is beyond me...

I also think that all the negative press about vaping this summer, I smell a rat.. something insidious.. probably related to WHO/Bloomberg.. I don't know...
It's not my fault that the school (or Council) got ridiculously overcharged installing a few vape (or smoke) detectors.
It will just push the kids to vaping behind the bike shed (like we did, when we smoked as kids).

i suppose the school would probably rather the kids would puff the vapes elsewhere than inside the building, though. when i was a lad there was one particular bog on the lower ground floor that was the place for smoking.

Complete BS -
Different colours help distinguish between the flavours.
Fruity flavours are the probably the most popular flavours amongst everybody, no matter what age you are. I'm getting sick of this argument: It's important to have desirable flavours for vapes, so that people can find a flavour they like, and therefore use vaping to give up smoking (or continue to not smoke).
Disposable vapes were designed to be used for night-out kind of usage, but are mainly used by people for laziness and convenience factor, and those that have greater disposable income, which tend to be younger people. This does not mean that they were deliberately designed to appeal to young people, it's just the way it turned out.

i think they come packaged in a box with the name of the flavour printed on it, no?

That statement is giving the impression that larger capacity vapes are inherently bad. They are not. They are simply against the regulations (that make no sense).

they possibly are in the context that they are illegal and to preform u regulated. if you believe the stuff about the more dubious ones containing high concentrations of lead and other poisons etc. but i agree, obviously as a thing in itself a higher capacity device is not bad. i’m puffing a 5ml tank as i type this.

You're not smoking, you're vaping; and if you used ones that are legal, then they have been fully tested for toxicity & emissions, and passed for approval by the MHRA.

that’s the problem though, because it’s an offence to be selling them to kids in the first place it’s not much of a step further for the retailers to just bulk buy cheaper/bigger illegal ones for increased profit, more sales from novelty or increased utility (i.e bigger capacity) value etc.

in summary, it is essentially a propaganda piece trying warn kids off vaping (which is fair enough), but doesn't spell out that Leia (the girl in the article) is far better off vaping than smoking (which is what she started out doing).

not sure i agree; i think that this was pretty explicit in the article. that vaping is less harmful than smoking.
The only extra ammunition they have now is that more kids are vaping now because less/hardly any kids are smoking now.
Why they can't work out that simple equation and translate it into being a good thing, is beyond me...

I also think that all the negative press about vaping this summer, I smell a rat.. something insidious.. probably related to WHO/Bloomberg.. I don't know...

i think because it isn’t the simple equation you think it is. less kids have been smoking since before kids started vaping, and the kids of ten years ago are no longer kids.
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