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POLL How long did it take you to stop smoking?

How long did it take you to stop smoking?

  • 1 Day

    Votes: 187 48.6%
  • 1 Week

    Votes: 61 15.8%
  • 1 Month

    Votes: 44 11.4%
  • 3 Months

    Votes: 20 5.2%
  • 6 Months or longer

    Votes: 43 11.2%
  • I still dual fuel

    Votes: 30 7.8%

  • Total voters
It would also be interesting to see what proportion of vapers who have completely given up cigarettes by vaping instead, have any intention of completely withdrawing from nicotine or even ceasing vaping completely?
I for one don't, and am content with my fairly heavy vaping of 3% juices I make myself.
I stopped smoking for a year then gradually moved back from vape to smoke. At the time I hadn't discovered 'proper' vaping and was using those fake cigarette things that lasted about ten puffs and only had a choice of two flavours... E-Shites I think they're called. Then I had a heart scare, had some hardware inserted into my arteries to stop them completely closing and I haven't looked at a cigarette since.
It would also be interesting to see what proportion of vapers who have completely given up cigarettes by vaping instead, have any intention of completely withdrawing from nicotine or even ceasing vaping completely?
I for one don't, and am content with my fairly heavy vaping of 3% juices I make myself.
I've tried nic-free vaping and although I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms I found there was no throat hit so I went back to very low nicotine.
I tried to stop smoking 5 or 6 times over the past 3 years or so and every time I was eventually drawn back by the lack of replacement for the physical habit and the occasional whiff of a cigarette (weak i know)

but sorting out what I actually liked about vaping and dropping the PG ratio so vaping didn't taste like smoking a "burnt plastic training shoe" which was what the cig-a-likes tasted like sorted out the turning point for me. A lot of Dean - The Vaping Biker's videos on youtube helped a lot in demystifying a lot of the new terminology, and helping me get what I wanted from vaping to quit the fags. The last cigarette I had was in January and I haven't wanted one since.
A week. I slowly weened myself off rollies onto vaping. Plus I didn't want to waste the baccy I already had.
A couple of weeks. I still had a little stash of cigarettes so i both vaped and smoked for rouglhy 2 weeks. then no more cigarettes. the craving lasted longer but it wasn't so bad
A week or 2 of going back and forth with cigarettes and vaping then pretty much no more cigarettes after that. Have the odd one here or there if I'm at work and run out of battery or juice but that's not very often
It took me 27 years and one day to quit. I made a decision one day that i was going to stop and went on-line ordered a Pico 75w kit, it arrived the next day and i have not had a smoke now for 54 days and have no urge to go back. Would never have been able to do it without vaping though, pretty sure it was the habit and not the nicotine that kept me on them for so long.
I tried to stop for almost 6 years. When i found that e-cigarettes could be my savior, i switched to vaping almost immidiately. I didn't even touch cigarettes for more than 3 years, but some day i've got a terrible toothache, and my fruit flavored e-juices just amplified the pain, so i was forced to smoke regular cigarettes for a while... Nowadays i usually smoke one before breakfast, and it happens to be more when i go outside with friends. It's hard to switch back to e-cigs completely :/
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