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Scotland and Covid.

Chris K

Apr 13, 2017
I've been up in the Highlands of Scotland now for 5 days, just a short break away from Nottingham, England.

Went to Inverness other day to get some supplies and grab a bite to eat. What an eye opener that was.

Scotland are deadly serious about fighting Covid compared to nearly every city I've been to in England since Covid became a "thing". Every person in every shop wore a mask, majority on the street seemed to be wearing one, every shop had handsanitizer readily available, everyone keeps a good distance, pubs have organised booking and tracking systems. At Tesco near Nairn today and people were queuing to sanitise their hands! Never seen that in England yet.

Only seen one person not wearing a mask when stood at a bar near Ben Nevis, soon as he opened his mouth, was English!

Compared to England, the Scots are dealing with this properly. I walk around Tesco in Nottingham, easily 40% aren't wearing masks and social distancing just doesn't exist anymore.

I may just stay up here until Covid blows over, feels alot more organised and efficient!
I've been up in the Highlands of Scotland now for 5 days, just a short break away from Nottingham, England.

Went to Inverness other day to get some supplies and grab a bite to eat. What an eye opener that was.

Scotland are deadly serious about fighting Covid compared to nearly every city I've been to in England since Covid became a "thing". Every person in every shop wore a mask, majority on the street seemed to be wearing one, every shop had handsanitizer readily available, everyone keeps a good distance, pubs have organised booking and tracking systems. At Tesco near Nairn today and people were queuing to sanitise their hands! Never seen that in England yet.

Only seen one person not wearing a mask when stood at a bar near Ben Nevis, soon as he opened his mouth, was English!

Compared to England, the Scots are dealing with this properly. I walk around Tesco in Nottingham, easily 40% aren't wearing masks and social distancing just doesn't exist anymore.

I may just stay up here until Covid blows over, feels alot more organised and efficient!

Sssshhhhh....Boris will hear you and he will no be happy...
Seriously, there are less of us, and if you don't behave and do what yere telt you get chibbed n booted out of Morrisons pronto.
Sssshhhhh....Boris will hear you and he will no be happy...
Seriously, there are less of us, and if you don't behave and do what yere telt you get chibbed n booted out of Morrisons pronto.

:18: England could definitely learn a thing or two! Even saw two chaps on Inverness High Street, assume working for Highland Council, with a small stand handing out handsanitiser, masks and just chatting to people.

I keep telling Lizzie I want to stay here now though to be fair, that's a mixture of reasons including the views, walks and whisky!
Hands, face, space and toes, space and toes.

That was basically the first wave heard from that Trump tribute act today in months.

Could be that we've had a load a pish drummed in to us for months n we're all just thinking "just dae what wee nippy says n maybe she'll shuttit for a bit".

Anyway, may the 6th be with you when you back but no more..... unless its before Monday, then you can go nuts for one last time.
:18: England could definitely learn a thing or two! Even saw two chaps on Inverness High Street, assume working for Highland Council, with a small stand handing out handsanitiser, masks and just chatting to people.

I keep telling Lizzie I want to stay here now though to be fair, that's a mixture of reasons including the views, walks and whisky!

Aye you seem to be up here a fair bit, glad you enjoy it.... I met a young girl from Liverpool the other day doing the John Muir Way https://johnmuirway.org/?gclid=Cj0K...I5h1LXeiGhHa4GRIpYfiVSkuHPfEoMgUaAlFzEALw_wcB
which near enough passes my house, she was on her own, walked with her a bit, found out her friend had pulled out and she decided to do it alone, good for her, she was amazed by the scenery and friendliness of us natives....long story short, she had bought the wrong gas canisters for her burner, told her I had a few different ones at home and to continue her walk and I would meet her in the next town.
Gave her 4 that fitted, she thanked me, wished her well and her eyes were filling up... wee soul.
Ye'll need to wait till ye get back South before frottering yourself up n down folks again, strictly frowned upon up here :D
Aye you seem to be up here a fair bit, glad you enjoy it.... I met a young girl from Liverpool the other day doing the John Muir Way https://johnmuirway.org/?gclid=Cj0K...I5h1LXeiGhHa4GRIpYfiVSkuHPfEoMgUaAlFzEALw_wcB
which near enough passes my house, she was on her own, walked with her a bit, found out her friend had pulled out and she decided to do it alone, good for her, she was amazed by the scenery and friendliness of us natives....long story short, she had bought the wrong gas canisters for her burner, told her I had a few different ones at home and to continue her walk and I would meet her in the next town.
Gave her 4 that fitted, she thanked me, wished her well and her eyes were filling up... wee soul.

I read that expecting a horrible twist, nice happy ending.
Aye you seem to be up here a fair bit, glad you enjoy it.... I met a young girl from Liverpool the other day doing the John Muir Way https://johnmuirway.org/?gclid=Cj0K...I5h1LXeiGhHa4GRIpYfiVSkuHPfEoMgUaAlFzEALw_wcB
which near enough passes my house, she was on her own, walked with her a bit, found out her friend had pulled out and she decided to do it alone, good for her, she was amazed by the scenery and friendliness of us natives....long story short, she had bought the wrong gas canisters for her burner, told her I had a few different ones at home and to continue her walk and I would meet her in the next town.
Gave her 4 that fitted, she thanked me, wished her well and her eyes were filling up... wee soul.

I love Scotland mate! Was meant to be up in April aswell but... Well we all know why that couldn't happen.

Ah bless ya! Good deed for the day that. Never met anyone in Scotland yet haven't got on with, even drivers are more friendly when trying to squeeze down all single track roads. Everything just seems more relaxed. Probably reason Covid is taken more seriously, people seem to look out for each other more than in other parts of UK.

Next year planning on heading over to West Coast, not been that side for a couple of years now. Last time was Isle of Lismore, now that was beautiful!
I love Scotland mate! Was meant to be up in April aswell but... Well we all know why that couldn't happen.

Ah bless ya! Good deed for the day that. Never met anyone in Scotland yet haven't got on with, even drivers are more friendly when trying to squeeze down all single track roads. Everything just seems more relaxed. Probably reason Covid is taken more seriously, people seem to look out for each other more than in other parts of UK.

Next year planning on heading over to West Coast, not been that side for a couple of years now. Last time was Isle of Lismore, now that was beautiful!
the best whisky is on that side.
the best whisky is on that side.

Couldn't agree more!! Already told Lizzie that we are having a day on Islay just so can nip to a few of the distilleries.

Already got myself two bottles whilst here, birthday tomorrow so no better way to spend a day! Dog, garden with spectacular views and a good few drams... Its not a bad old life really.
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