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Spaced SS Coil Required for TC?


May 8, 2022
As an avid mtl vaper, I’ve enjoyed my adventures with TC vaping, and prefer it to everything else. I use exclusively SS wire or fused claptons in my RTAs and more often than not, a sbs dna60 mod. My question is rather simple:

Should I exclusively be using spaced coils for TC?

This has somehow been drilled into my brain, and I can’t for the life of me remember where I heard it. As I’m currently playing with a bunch of dotrbas with very small build decks, I’m wondering if compressed coils will work with TC as well as spaced. Has anyone actually tested this?
As an avid mtl vaper, I’ve enjoyed my adventures with TC vaping, and prefer it to everything else. I use exclusively SS wire or fused claptons in my RTAs and more often than not, a sbs dna60 mod. My question is rather simple:

Should I exclusively be using spaced coils for TC?

This has somehow been drilled into my brain, and I can’t for the life of me remember where I heard it. As I’m currently playing with a bunch of dotrbas with very small build decks, I’m wondering if compressed coils will work with TC as well as spaced. Has anyone actually tested this?
The straight answer is NO!
It would, however, make your life easier, I use spaced coils in TC.
I think it's generally considered that a spaced coil be more consistent than contact coils, eliminating hotspots which can at times play havoc using TC.
It would, however, make your life easier, I use spaced coils in TC.
Thanks! But if I may be a bother, what do you mean? Is spaced more dependable? Will compressed coils read incorrectly at times?
The rationale being, touching coils effectively cause a short circuit in the windings, whereas TC needs a minimum length of wire to actually allow TC to work.

You're not working with temperature, you're working with change of resistance, which the mod then equates to a temperature. There are no temperature sensing units in a vape mod.
Google temperature coefficient of resistance and sit back an watch the videos :S It's to do with resistive sensitivity.
Okay! One straight THANKS back at you!
Yes, Forgive my previous brevity.

it been covered by others, really.
I’ve read the articals and watched the videos. And fully understand the mechanics involved. But, personally I’ve found no practical difference.

I do space coils. But mainly so they fit a specific deck.

So, I’d say. Many advise it. But it’s not a hard rule. And advise you try each option, and see.
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