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Squid Industries Double Barrel mod 3FVape

My top 10 countries are all Islands and not one of them is Great Britain.
Its not even in the top 20.
My Belgian compardre's opinion of England a few weeks ago was. The food is shit, the people are fat but seeing the English on the piss was brilliant.
He'd never seen anything like it, until I took him to Wales. There he saw a fat drunken bird sprawled out on the pavement totally bladdered. Someone pitched in and said 'Im a doctor, whats she had?' her other fat mate said 'I dont know whats wrong, she only ate a salad!' We cracked up laughing.
The bowl of vodka she was drinking in the pub had nothing to do with it, it was the salad!
Them Welsh salads can take down a moose. Man, we laughed. But didnt dare try the salads after then.
Oi ..... important thread ..... go play elsewhere or Gina will NEVER read the posts! :whipping::whipping2:

ADDED: guess that could have done with a friendly smiley too .... mebbe ..... :8: ;)
How can it be possible to NOT read a post twice,or is this your inscrutable Chinese side showing?...lol
3FVape have pushed back the delivery of the DB for another week.I hope this means that Squid are looking into the quality programme.

Oh i'm off to Dusseldorf for a long weekend.Love the Rhineland.
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