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TC wire shopping list - advice


Aug 14, 2016
Winter and 6 months of misery is about to descend on my part of the world and I need something to occupy myself...I have managed knock up some reasonable "general-purpose" coils, I can wick them, I've produced some reasonable DIY juice as part of my vaping journey, so I think it's now the perfect time to move on and explore the world of TC vaping :)

I've got a couple of DNA 75's and a YiHi 150w so I think I'm sorted mod wise. I just need to place an order for some TC wire, if anyone could suggest a shopping list it would be a huge help. I don't want to place an order and find that later down the line I'm missing a spool of whatever!
I quite enjoy making Clapton wire, is it worth doing for the TC wires - the various nickels, SS and Ti?

Advice will be hugely appreciated :)
If you're looking for something to occupy your time during those dark days, some Stealthvape 0.4mm Titanium will keep you busy. You'll need a coil jig and some practice, but it does make for a very stable TC vape. For stainless steel you'll want some Stealthvape 26 gauge 316L for dual coils and 24 gauge for singles. Stealthvape NiFe30 is a must for any TC vaper - 29 gauge for dual coils and 28 for singles.
For Claton wire, I can recommend The Vape Mesh Co's 28/32 316L Clapton wire.
NiFe48 is another wire worth investigating.
Always wrap spaced coils and wick them looser than you would for Kanthal.
Appreciate the replies :)

Mr Numpty - excellent list!
All the Stealthvape products have been ordered and text confirmation from SV that the package is on it's way; cracking service.

I've not bothered, for now at least, about the ready made SS Clapton wire. Firstly because I find making a decent run of Clapton wire rather therapeutic and secondly, I've a few reels of 32g Kanthal...is making Claptons using a SS core and Kanthal for the wrap OK for TC'ing?
Sure I read somewhere that the Kanthal didn't add much in the way of resistance...or, as is more than likely, have I got that wrong?!

Thank you
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Never tried but also reliably informed you can clapton SS with Kanthal.
Ignore clapton (always) and just work on core for resistance.
Do mean to get round to it but don't like doing too much new vape stuff all at the one go.
Still playing / learning 'simple' TC with SS on a DNA and playing with new tanks and juices.
Appreciate the replies :)

Mr Numpty - excellent list!
All the Stealthvape products have been ordered and text confirmation from SV that the package is on it's way; cracking service.

I've not bothered, for now at least, about the ready made SS Clapton wire. Firstly because I find making a decent run of Clapton wire rather therapeutic and secondly, I've a few reels of 32g Kanthal...is making Claptons using a SS core and Kanthal for the wrap OK for TC'ing?
Sure I read somewhere that the Kanthal didn't add much in the way of resistance...or, as is more than likely, have I got that wrong?!

Thank you

I don't think using Kanthal for the core of a Clapton would work in TC. As I understand it, the core wire accounts for the bulk of a Clapton's resistance and Kanthal's change in resistance during heating isn't suitable for TC. I may be wrong so best wait for a better answer from Boffy McBoffin, @danb.
I don't think using Kanthal for the core of a Clapton would work in TC. As I understand it, the core wire accounts for the bulk of a Clapton's resistance and Kanthal's change in resistance during heating isn't suitable for TC. I may be wrong so best wait for a better answer from Boffy McBoffin, @danb.

I'm not sure I suggested using Kanthal for the core - nope, I definitely didn't! Was, and still am, intending using SS for the core and Kanthal for the wrap :)
Unless my terminology is wrong and I've got it inside out!

I've still got it in my head, that the wrap (the outside of a clapton) contributes little to the resistance - still, can give it a go and I'll let you know how it goes (or not)!
I'm not sure I suggested using Kanthal for the core - nope, I definitely didn't! Was, and still am, intending using SS for the core and Kanthal for the wrap :)
Unless my terminology is wrong and I've got it inside out!

I've still got it in my head, that the wrap (the outside of a clapton) contributes little to the resistance - still, can give it a go and I'll let you know how it goes (or not)!
Ha, my mistake. Misread your post. It's been a long day, sorry. Yes, I've seen SS core/Kanthal wrapped Claptons being used in TC. Good luck.
Apologies not needed Mr Numpty...there was a very real possibility that I had it wrong!

Relax and enjoy your weekend:)
from experience zivpf.de NiFe48 works well for clapton TC, 27awg core with 32awg wrap can get high enough resistance for dual coils to work well.Not tried the new crazy wire NiFe but spec looks simalar to zivpf stuff so should be ok to for claptons
Generally you ignore the wrap for claptons so if you use a TC wire for the core it should be ok for TC, nt tried as the NiFe 48 mentioned above has been great to clapton with and worked well in TC.
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