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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

Is the thickness of the vape better than the original nautilus? I usually have a 70/30 on my nautilus but the vape seems so thin.
Doing some catching-up as I've been busy at work all week. Thanks @pava for the info on the three tanks - my Kayfun Mini V3 has just arrived, the Taifun is a bit too chunky for me, but the Calix does tempt me. The only thing I'm not sure about is the juice control, as I have an Aqua (V1) with the juice flow controlled by the drip tip and it drives me potty - every time I wipe the mouthpiece (which I do often, usually by twisting it into a tissue) I then remember "oh bugger it - that's messed up the juice control". Is that a possibility with the Calix?
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Didn't have a chance before work yesterday to check out the Calix and the Kayfun. I had the Taifun with me all day and it never missed a beat. Using it all day, well about 12 hours anyways, it kept it's flavour very well when compared to the Nautilus. I'm really beginning to like this tank and it's size and weight make it a little top heavy on my istick, although the tapered drip tip gives the impression of a much smaller more delicate tank. Might give it an outing on my Reuleaux RX200 tomorrow, which will definitely stop it from being top heavy.
@Crewella The Juice Control on the Calix is on a totally different level to anything you may have met before I assure you. Its biggest saving grace (and aid to the user) is having "Calix" engraved on it. This allows you to keep it where you place it for best results, just by aligning it with the Airflow Grooves on the bottom of the Base (V1 Calix) or by aligning it with the airflow hole on the V2 Base.


Be aware........... On the ft version of the V1 Calix, the O Ring in the Top Cap is an absolute Bastard of a thing. For whatever reasons, the Chinese have totally ignored the type used on the Genuine Article and have replaced it with this horror!! You HAVE to keep that thing lubricated at all times, otherwise, when you start to unscrew the Top Cap to refill, the Juice Control unscrews with it and that leads to one thing.............. FLOODS.

On the Calix V2 Clones, this has been addressed by the use of the correct type of O Ring.

It's a shame in may ways, aesthetically, many people, myself included, feel that The Calix V1 was the winner, but one had to be absolutely on your game to prevent the tiny dribble down the 510 Airflow in the Base. This plagued the Genuine Article as well.
From a Function point of view however, the V2 cannot be beaten. The Side Airflow intake and Control makes this a stunning RTA of its type. Also, the PMMA Tank whilst not as safe as the Quartz on the V1s as far as Tank Crackers go, won't have the failure rates of the Quartz and Metal bonded V1. The V2 as you will have gathered, with it's new AFC is 100% Leak Proof.
it's hereeeeee
So i have made a return to mtl and got my first hotcig Taifun today. My building skills aren't great and i really wasn't sure how I'd get on with a rebuildable but i gotta say how pleasantly surprised i was at how easy it was. It might just be beginners luck and im pretty sure I've over wicked my first attempt (i was scared of flooding) but are there any tips you good folks could give me?

I will have a proper read through this thread at some point
Such a great tank Vapemac you will have a great time with this tank. Vapour and flavour is exceptional. It is also probably my fav draw of any atty wide open.

I run mine either 2.5 or 3 mm with the coil sitting just above the posts. The 3 mm is a little tricky but it will fit. My kanthal is either 28 or 26 gauge, mostly 26 atm.

Two ways of coiling would be the way I am doing with the coil above the posts which will give more vapour and sacrifice a little flavour or run a 2.5 mm coil under the posts close to the hole giving you more flavour. You will have to experiment to find which suits you best.

Wicking is dead easy on this tank too. Don't run your wicks through the holes in the chamber as I find it will give me dry hits.....(using 80VG). Instead I always thread the wick, place the middle section on and pull wicks up. I then cut them leaving around half a centimetre excess over the top.

Then you just poke it down into the chamber leaving two large puff balls placed against each hole. You can also do an s wick if it works better but I find this method just works wonderfully and never a dry hit or leak. Will try to post a pic when back home in a few days.

If you want a video I think Matt of Suck my mod done a wick job on the hurricane which uses the s style wicking so is very similar.
To date I've yet to try a tank that matches the flavour of the Taifun gt2.
It's the easiest to build, it's easy to wick, it's a no brainier.
Such a great tank Vapemac you will have a great time with this tank. Vapour and flavour is exceptional. It is also probably my fav draw of any atty wide open.

I run mine either 2.5 or 3 mm with the coil sitting just above the posts. The 3 mm is a little tricky but it will fit. My kanthal is either 28 or 26 gauge, mostly 26 atm.

Two ways of coiling would be the way I am doing with the coil above the posts which will give more vapour and sacrifice a little flavour or run a 2.5 mm coil under the posts close to the hole giving you more flavour. You will have to experiment to find which suits you best.

Wicking is dead easy on this tank too. Don't run your wicks through the holes in the chamber as I find it will give me dry hits.....(using 80VG). Instead I always thread the wick, place the middle section on and pull wicks up. I then cut them leaving around half a centimetre excess over the top.

Then you just poke it down into the chamber leaving two large puff balls placed against each hole. You can also do an s wick if it works better but I find this method just works wonderfully and never a dry hit or leak. Will try to post a pic when back home in a few days.

If you want a video I think Matt of Suck my mod done a wick job on the hurricane which uses the s style wicking so is very similar.
Thanks. That's really helpful. I'll check out the s style wicking. Rob had mentioned it but i haven't had a chance to look it up yet.
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