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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

You'l be fine Paul, you can tell when it's on its way, you'll first see discolouration where the liquid has permeated the adhesive, then after that, you'll notice tiny specks of liquid at the join which wipe off, about 2 months after that... BE VERY CAREFUL.;)
I've got that discolouration on one of mine already and that's only been in use (and on rotation) since January.

I have several back up options though and another on the way!

I still rate the original Taifun the best MTL ive ever tried.

In order....

Taifun original not the GT
Kayfun v3 mini
Calix v1 (not tried the v2)
GEM and Elk

MTL will make a comeback i reckon and then we could possibly see the volume and the quality of the vast amount of 'sub' tanks coming to the MTL crew. Long time coming as well might i add. I do like a dripper on occasions but if im honest i find it a little bit cliche to blow big clouds for the sake of it. I went to Vape Jam on Sunday and i point blank refused to use a Sub tank. I took my Vapourshark and my KFL V3 mini and it was perfect for me, thats what i like and i do not need to follow the 'clouds' crowd. That makes me sound miserable but i know what i like and if clouds are you thing then carry on [emoji106]
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I only MTL, have a decent drop now and then but still often use rda's in MTL mode.
I've owned, and still do, many different rtas and to date not one has held a candle to the Taifun GT2, without a doubt, of those I have tried, it's the greatest flavour tank so far.
Just as a little sideways take, i was at the T-Juice stand and they were using Silo Tanks as testers which uses nautilus coils. Really nice vape too.
HA!! Coff Coff. Well one of us has been banging the drum regarding MTL for what seems like....... EVER.
I completely understand that this isn't what many are interested in and that's fine too. After all, whatever keeps us off the stinkies has to be a great thing! ;)

Gabs, you know my thoughts on all of this stuff, I am an ardent MTL Fan and have been exceptionally fortunate to have owned all of the RTAs you mention, plus a few more besides. My adoration of The Calix continues unabated, The V2 Base has transformed it from many people's perspective, mine included, but I happily admit that I still run a couple with the V1 Base as I love the look of it and know how to get around some of the "issues" which people reported.
The Tilemahos V2 is another cracker of an RTA. Very flavourful indeed, BUT, should you consider such a purchase, I'd recommend looking for a really nice used authentic. The Clones I have had have been good, but the real thing is so much better in terms of construction and usability. Easy to say when it isn't my money I know,but trust me on this one.

The Pico: What can I say? Flavour by the bucketful, stealthy as it can get and this time, save your money and get a quality Clone. They "can" be that good I assure you!
Now for the one that struck me as the biggest surprise. The Hurricane. You enjoy a TaifunGT2 :2thumbsup:, you "could" potentially fall foul of the same thing that caught me....... The Hurricane "appears" to be VERY similar in terms of the design of the deck? Well, once again I would have to say, "Trust Me on this", The Hurricane has the potential to blow the doors off the TaifunGT2 wicked with Cotton. Another flavour monster and such an easy build. CLONE all the way!! The Genuine ones QC is appalling and you get nothing in the way of spares. The decent Clones come with everything you'd expect and more.

Honourary mention MUST go to the Keyfun Mini V3 as well. If you like the V4, you will be stunned at the V3 I promise!

As @Jugg1es has said, "Mesh". Now I know that he is probably meaning something like the NextGen and The Nextiny etc, both of which are superb, BUT, do try a Mesh build in your TaifunGT2;) If you want flavour like never before..... that's how you find it! Strangely, Mesh in a Hurricane didn't work as well to my mind? But then I am an Old Fart, so it may well be that others may enjoy it.

In order of preference?
For ME (others views will vary greatly)
For Cotton
The Calix V1 and V2
The Kayfun Mini V3
The Pico
The Hurricane
The Tilemahos V2

For Mesh
The NextGen and Nextiny
The Calix V1 and V2
The TaifunGT2

Enjoy your researching, if I can help at all, either PM me, or look under the stone in that dark corner of the room. :D:D

@Rob you are a bad man. Do not post list' s like that. I.am now £ 50 in the clone hole and I am going to have to explain this to the wife!.
I have a Pico you could have had cheap! Don't dash off a but without adding a post in the wanted thread.
Sorry to be late back, The Gem: Lovely thing, but........ Limited in what you can do in the way of builds. This isn't a problem for me as I tend to use Single Coil builds the most, but I like the idea of further flexibility, so to my mind, it is a tad expensive for what it offers. It is a great RTA, no denying, but not one I'd hurry to get.:2thumbsup:
@Rob. I've been thinking about getting a hurricane for a while now. Nearly ordered an original one the other day. But the death stare I received from the Mrs when I told her how much it cost, kinda put me off. Could you point me in the right direction of a "decent" clone please mate?
Over the last few months I've been moving away from clones, but I'd love to try a decent one before I decide if I should splash out on an original...
@Rob. I've been thinking about getting a hurricane for a while now. Nearly ordered an original one the other day. But the death stare I received from the Mrs when I told her how much it cost, kinda put me off. Could you point me in the right direction of a "decent" clone please mate?
Over the last few months I've been moving away from clones, but I'd love to try a decent one before I decide if I should splash out on an original...
Rob may have a better suggestion but I find the Tobeco to be good although did have a juice from a popular supplier on here completely destroy a tank (see the juices that crack your tanks thread in general chat).

They're available in the UK from Elegant Vapour but are probably much cheaper on FT!
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