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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

If your getting the Cane clone, careful not to over tighten the tank, it can split at the bottom very easily. Just finger tight is fine.

If your buying from FT ect, get some spare tanks.
I have been absent for a while but this increased talk of MTL and mesh builds dragged me back in. It was also quite fun to read all the recent threads on such.
I have never been away from MTL as I have to at work but now I want to dive right in with mesh builds.
Just picked up a Piccoloid v2 on classifieds which is proving to be a tasty vape.
Nextiny arrived today which is waiting for my mesh and my new Fluid mod.
Never tried mesh before and I can't wait.
Just ordered one and some replacement tanks from slow tech [emoji39]
MTL, thread , don't be silly real vapers lung hit on sub tanks and blow giant clouds , use bucket loads of juice, and change their batteries every half hour.
I use a sub tank mini, smallest air hole, narrower drip tip, 1.5 self made coil, 6-10 watts. battery lasts all day. good flavour .
I love MTL.
Great to see this thread, i might look at getting a new MTL rta.
Great to see that there is still a love for MTL. I was beginning ti feel so antiquated on here. *primps petticoat*

I still have a love for Sophia's, Spheroids and the new love of my life the Kayfun Mini V3. Generally I use 3-4 mls a day, alongside a few carefully honed DIY recipes this means that I can afford to vape pretty much any juice on the market that I choose to, get bags of flavour and an easy fafless single coil build.

What's not to like? :)
Just been checking out the kayfun mini v3,
i was getting all excited until i checked the price, my funds don't run to £70.
Looks like another sub tank, might try the kanger top tank version.
Just been checking out the kayfun mini v3,
i was getting all excited until i checked the price, my funds don't run to £70.
Looks like another sub tank, might try the kanger top tank version.
That price point depends entirely on your opinion on getting a clone or not....
I'm really interested but don't know where to start, looking on fast tech and there is tons and I mean tons of stuff (I am on a real tight budget) but my only experience with any kind of rebuilds was the coils you got for the aerotanks (nature vape and another one) and they were ready made, but broke most of them just wicking cotton as they were so flimsy, then the tanks (aerotanks/protanks) kept getting stuck to my isticks and ended up breaking all of them (had to give them my old man who works in a steel factory just to undo them a few times none of that duct tape/freezer/pliers did anything)

so then moved onto nautilus, same problem with getting stuck etc broke a few tanks, then discovered the fantastic honeycomb/mesh style tanks for the nautilus...no more problems and a year with them spot on apart from coils lasting a week at most (the only juices that tasted decent however to me were Red astaire and manabush)

Then in last few months moved on from the isticks to a cuboid and evic mini with a subtank (RBA is broke so using stock coils..crap) and a uwel crown and aspire cleito and blown away by them, before this when people said sub ohm, direct lung I thought what you on about I never smoked like that? you mean people smoked direct to lung to WTF was i smoking wrong for 20 years or something?
however after trying them my nautilus and MTL style just doesn't cut the mustard, not fussed that much about massive clouds (though the nautilus just feels weak now) more flavour and a good hit which these give in spade compared to any previous nauty/aerotank/protank I had used

However the problem now is the amount of liquid I am going through is crazy, I know long term I'd need to go DIY or buy 100 ml for £10 off Shady Steve off facbook with his mixed in a kitchen sink ''homebrew'' but that's going to take some time and money to set up too

I'd like to get something like what you guys are talking about to try but funds are bare as is my knowledge and I am bloody confused about all the stuff talked about, I had just got my head round DTL vaping, and slowly looking into rebuilding (RBA/RTA) etc

My head hurts, I need a vape ;) ,,,,and a whisky
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