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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

No that was what I was after! I only got it Tuesday so I've been fiddling about with it. Started at 1.8 ohms and im working my way down through the ohms. Currently at 1.4 ohms, 7 wraps i think, 2.5mm with 28awg.

It's the sweet spot for me, anywhere around 12-14 watts with the airflow wide open. I'm gonna have to get it back out tomorrow!
I think I am using 26 gauge spaced on a 3ml rod resting just a hair above the screws as that seems to be my fave position coming out at 1.27 ohms and vaping at 23 watts.
Now much room for experimentation with this tank. Either really close to hole, in the middle and above. Puff or S wick is really good on this tank.
I think I am using 26 gauge spaced on a 3ml rod resting just a hair above the screws as that seems to be my fave position coming out at 1.27 ohms and vaping at 23 watts.
Now much room for experimentation with this tank. Either really close to hole, in the middle and above. Puff or S wick is really good on this tank.
3mm must be a tight squeeze?
With 3 you have to have it above the coils....well it kind of fits half way in half above and has been my fave position and keep this build on two of my tanks. Got a 2.5 high up in between on the other.
With 3 you have to have it above the coils....well it kind of fits half way in half above and has been my fave position and keep this build on two of my tanks. Got a 2.5 high up in between on the other.
Nice tip
Got my two at about 1.4 with 2.5 diameter. And I just cut the wicks about 5mm from the wick hole and she vapes beautiful at 13-14w. Spirit walker two arrows sings.
Hahah nice tutorial there. That is the method I have been referring to as the puff wick. I puff them out a little more but apart from that its exactly the same. Good find though as it makes it very clear
Weird. I just rewicked using this method. Was just fiddling about with it. Didn't know it was an actual method until I came on and saw your post. Cool at least I've got a name for it.
One of those weird thoughts that just come to me was as this is a bit of an old tank revisited is everyone that's having wicking problems remembering not to tighten the coil chamber top down too much. This is the juice control. I find I just get the threads to catch and give it half a turn and it never fails to wick fine.
Just checking.
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