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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

That's the one I could find but I'm sure there's a set that explains the chamber's top acts a JFC

See above :D
Yeah I found them when I bought the tank But as said it's kind of resurgence in an,older tank so most people have a clone of some type with no or poor instructions. I just noticed a lot of people re finding the taifun in this thread and no mentions of the juice control so at least now the legend of the juice control is out in the open
Just don't blame me when it blows up,in your face people.
Yeah I found them when I bought the tank But as said it's kind of resurgence in an,older tank so most people have a clone of some type with no or poor instructions. I just noticed a lot of people re finding the taifun in this thread and no mentions of the juice control so at least now the legend of the juice control is out in the open
Just don't blame me when it blows up,in your face people.
Now I wonder if you will find out that the kayfun 4 can also be,used to power a death star.
I've always said the Taifun has always delivered he best flavour of any tank I've ever owned, by some way.
It's the reason I own nearly a dozen ( most in the doomsday box) fitted with a Bellcap they are still slightly bulky but worth it.
I even have some caps that allow top filling which is a bonus.
I've always said the Taifun has always delivered he best flavour of any tank I've ever owned, by some way.
It's the reason I own nearly a dozen ( most in the doomsday box) fitted with a Bellcap they are still slightly bulky but worth it.
I even have some caps that allow top filling which is a bonus.
Your right...the taifunGT was and is the best for flavour...I had 6 in total...one for each juice.....

The only tank I've tried that comes close is the hurricane
I've always wondered why? It's got a wide deck, quite a long chimney section and no reducing on the top, so why such a wonderful flavour???
Not very! :D I'm not very sir like either. Or i wasn't the last time I checked ;)
Don't worry my bedtime thoughts.are rarely gender or title related these days.
I've reached that age where they are more, how many rafters I need for the new decking or why someone's taifun won't wick. I've reached the safe age.
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