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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

Now the great debate starts......... Indirect Feed, or Direct Feed for the wicking? :D
Personally, I find that The Calix "shines" using the Indirect Feed so have always used it as my preferred method. How about you Guys?:)
Now the great debate starts......... Indirect Feed, or Direct Feed for the wicking? :D
Personally, I find that The Calix "shines" using the Indirect Feed so have always used it as my preferred method. How about you Guys?:)

I went with Direct Feed on the V1 but have gone with Indirect Feed on the V2 and I have to say you were right all along , Indirect is the better option :D I should have known :doh: lol
@ToolmanTexas Can you tell me what colour the O Ring is that sits in the Top Cap and grips the Juice Control?

Hey Rob, it is red and appears to be the same as the authentic.

After lubing it and the threads of the JFC I am having much better success with the JFC. Tips IMO:
  1. Don't tighten the JFC down tight, just barely tight when closing off
  2. Keep things well lubed
  3. If it does get stuck, open the top cap a smidge to losen it and then close top cap holding drip tip and should come back into play
IMO, the threads on the JFC of the clone are janky and will need good lube and break in time.


I think that there has been some small confusion here? What I said was that with regards to the Airflow Control, unlike the Genuine Article, it didn't close Right Down. As I don't ever use any of mine shut down that far, it wouldn't be an issue, but I know of at least 2 other owners of the Clone that have complained that they couldn't restrict the air flow enough for their tastes without resorting to doing some Heath Robinson style modification.

I have read the same. I also do not close down air that tight. If I want that type of restriction I use my KFL+ :)

The issue that I have had with the V1 Clones has ALWAYS centred around the Juice Control. Because the supplied O Ring grips the Chimney far too tightly, adjusting the JC can be a nightmare. Obviously this is rectified fairly simply by lubing the O Ring every time you have the Top Cap Off, but this is NOT what the Real Thing is all about. One "should" be able to turn the JC easily. Admittedly, after filling the tank and re fitting the Top Cap, it is always advisable to give the JC a gentle turn just before the Top Cap Tightens Right Down, but there after, there should be little resistance, even when opening from fully closed.

THIS........ is my real issue with the clone. Otherwise, they appear to be pretty good.:)

100% agree and the V2 appears to have remedied the o-ring but the threads of the JFC need work.

Other than that it appears to be 1:1. The build deck is fantastic and I've had no issue with the screws catching my 26 gauge wire. Easy, easy build and wick.

For $23 it is a great way to get a fantastic atty and, if one has the funds, to invest in the authentic. After a few tanks it has made my list of MTL RTAs that will be in my arsenal along with my Squape R(s)s, Hurricanes and Kayfun V3s (and +).
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This arrived the day before I went on holiday so I only just got this wicked up this morning .... Rose V2 clone, 1.95ohm nichrome coil, some trusty Nokomis at 10w ...... liking it a lot so far but glad I watched a few set-up videos while it was in transit from China. :D

The Rose V2(s) is one of the most beautiful RTAs IMO. I could NOT get my FT clone working properly though (even though it has high reviews by many). Flavor was muted and drip tip would get super hot.

I tried many builds (which wasn't easy as it is a pain to build) with no success based on many vids and suggestions. It was either my builds or the clone itself. Still thinking of grabbing another and giving it another go though because it is a stunningly beautiful tank.
Now the great debate starts......... Indirect Feed, or Direct Feed for the wicking? :D
Personally, I find that The Calix "shines" using the Indirect Feed so have always used it as my preferred method. How about you Guys?:)
Based on Qorax and the manual I have only done indirect so far and the flavor is on par with my Squape and Hurricane.
This arrived the day before I went on holiday so I only just got this wicked up this morning .... Rose V2 clone, 1.95ohm nichrome coil, some trusty Nokomis at 10w ...... liking it a lot so far but glad I watched a few set-up videos while it was in transit from China. :D

That is a bonnie tank. Who have thought a year ago i would be getting all lusty eyed over a little bit of shiney metal that you Suck.
The Rose V2(s) is one of the most beautiful RTAs IMO. I could NOT get my FT clone working properly though (even though it has high reviews by many). Flavor was muted and drip tip would get super hot.

I tried many builds (which wasn't easy as it is a pain to build) with no success based on many vids and suggestions. It was either my builds or the clone itself. Still thinking of grabbing another and giving it another go though because it is a stunningly beautiful tank.

I guess I got lucky this is my first build in it and it's still going fine, flavour is good/very good and my drip tip is as cool as the rest of it.... I am a low wattage vaper though with a relaxed style like I'm enjoying a fine cigar, so I'm not canning the hell out of it ever.

there's a few different ones on fasttech, I got this one btw https://www.fasttech.com/p/2877000

EDIT: it's actually the cheapest version I have, $14.17, there's others at 15.81, 19.05 and 21.02 dollars.
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