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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

I was just considering getting one - can't believe FT have discontinued the SXK version of the KF Mini V3!!! :11:

Still, I'm perfectly happy with the ones I have. My first was a cheap gold clone, which arrived with the AFC screw dropped into the airway and so blocking it, but that was soon sorted:


And I also bought the cheap clone with the coloured drip tips, because it comes with a metal tank as well as a spare glass one:


Both are working well and I'm very happy with them :)

ADDED: just to say you DO need to give 'em a good clean before using - both were covered in machine oil.
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I was just considering getting one - can't believe FT have discontinued the SXK version of the KF Mini V3!!! :11:

Still, I'm perfectly happy with the ones I have. My first was a cheap gold clone, which arrived with the AFC screw dropped into the airway and so blocking it, but that was soon sorted:


And I also bought the cheap clone with the coloured drip tips, because it comes with a metal tank as well as a spare glass one:


Both are working well and I'm very happy with them :)

ADDED: just to say you DO need to give 'em a good clean before using - both were covered in machine oil.

I presumed it was sxk stopping making them rather than fasttech stopping stocking them ... but either way, yeah plenty of other good clones around from what I gather. :)
Provapes.co.uk have stopped stocking it too. So possibly was sxk stopped making them and focusing on the very similar v5 mini instead?
new kayfun day for me ..... a drop of wenebojo to test and tasting good. :) ... the airflow is pretty much perfect for me on the single dot, so happy days. This is so easy to build and wick, damn.... I've never seen/felt so much machine oil though, needed a bloody good clean!

Provapes.co.uk have stopped stocking it too. So possibly was sxk stopped making them and focusing on the very similar v5 mini instead?

Are they bringing out an authentic v5 mini? Or is this just something that the cloners are producing?

I dug out my ubertoot clone earlier. Going to put it back in my regular rotation. It's so easy to coil and wick, and the flavour is spot on.
Are they bringing out an authentic v5 mini? Or is this just something that the cloners are producing?

I dug out my ubertoot clone earlier. Going to put it back in my regular rotation. It's so easy to coil and wick, and the flavour is spot on.

I think the V5 mini is just an SXK 'original' at the moment. :)
Has anyone else taken a gamble on the v5 mini?

Mines in a queue in china

nah, too expensive for me.... I'm waiting for the clone (of the clone) :D

btw, my V5 above is just this cheap one for $13 .... I'm very impressed with the quality, it's a really nice tank, if I have any complaints it's that it could be a little more of a polished finish, but it doesn't look like the pictures here (that look like it's been hand painted with silver paint!) and the threads and the overall fit/build seem excellent.

After a few weeks of trying new tanks (Serpent Mini - Excellent restricted lung vape) (Griffin 25 mini - Pain in the backside to wick) i'm now back on my trusted Kayfun Mini V3 with fresh squeeze, 26g 7 wraps 2.75mm id, beautiful vape.

I have been looking at purchasing some more MTL tanks, love the look of the Rose3 but well out of my price range atm, so next up would probably be a Kayfun5, or if you could point me in the direction of any other tanks you think would be good for flavour and ease of build??

Could do with some decent tobacco juice to use in these MTL tanks, freesh squeeze is nice but would really like to try some nice tobacco juices.

Long Live MTL!!
Tobacco heaven for me is a BestCigLiquid 9mg, 60/40 in an Origen V2 or Le Zephr, with a mesh wick. I struggled with Tobaccos in Kayfuns, Gems etc. They would vape fine for a day or two, then it was downhill fast until I re-wicked. Almost by definition, a good tobacco is a coil gunker. Mesh will gunk up after a week or two, but a quick dry burn and you're back in action.

@Dripworx Tobaccos are enjoying some celebrity on here. I can't comment personally, as mine are in the post...

Been playing with cotton wicks in a 6ml Origen, and confirmed what I discovered in an Aromamizer. I don't like vertical coils with cotton. But, the principle of having the tank under the coils, with wicks descending into it, is good. I'd had a bit if a hangup about this. So a couple if MTL tanks I've got my eye on are The Split by DNV, and the Corolla 1.5 by SXK
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