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The return to MTL and restricted lung vaping

getting the ubertoot v2 from moley next week, does anyone have any experience with it?

Yes mate, started using mine again yesterday. I go for a 2.5mm coil using 0.32 kanthal that comes out about 1.2 ohms. There's 2 ways to wick. Might be a good idea to watch a video on YouTube. I think Todd has one. I go for the big holes and just block the the holes with the cotton. You will see what I mean when you get it.

Any questions just ask. It's very easy to build and wick. The flavour is on par with my kayfuns but allows a bit more airflow
another rose v3 clone up on FT today .... same stock single picture as the other one, It's going to be a bit of a waiting game this one.
I returned to "Old School" again yesterday, using a Heron Clone wicked with Cotton and not using any of the Filler Material.... as per ZT's excellent "How To" Guide.
The combination of this RTA and @manabush Chiricahua Sun is absolutely unbelievable!! Sometimes, reacquainting oneself with older gear really does pay dividends you know!!:worship::worship:;)
I returned to "Old School" again yesterday, using a Heron Clone wicked with Cotton and not using any of the Filler Material.... as per ZT's excellent "How To" Guide.
The combination of this RTA and @manabush Chiricahua Sun is absolutely unbelievable!! Sometimes, reacquainting oneself with older gear really does pay dividends you know!!:worship::worship:;)
That's my current pre bed set up with a little Mojave dessert. Amazingly tasty. I've got my eye on that new 11 11 cherry pipe tobacco blend. Think I shall have to sample soon.
After a few weeks of trying new tanks (Serpent Mini - Excellent restricted lung vape) (Griffin 25 mini - Pain in the backside to wick) i'm now back on my trusted Kayfun Mini V3 with fresh squeeze, 26g 7 wraps 2.75mm id, beautiful vape.

I have been looking at purchasing some more MTL tanks, love the look of the Rose3 but well out of my price range atm, so next up would probably be a Kayfun5, or if you could point me in the direction of any other tanks you think would be good for flavour and ease of build??

Could do with some decent tobacco juice to use in these MTL tanks, freesh squeeze is nice but would really like to try some nice tobacco juices.

Long Live MTL!!
Ft all ready got rose v3 clone on pre order
After a few weeks of trying new tanks (Serpent Mini - Excellent restricted lung vape) (Griffin 25 mini - Pain in the backside to wick) i'm now back on my trusted Kayfun Mini V3 with fresh squeeze, 26g 7 wraps 2.75mm id, beautiful vape.

I have been looking at purchasing some more MTL tanks, love the look of the Rose3 but well out of my price range atm, so next up would probably be a Kayfun5, or if you could point me in the direction of any other tanks you think would be good for flavour and ease of build??

Could do with some decent tobacco juice to use in these MTL tanks, freesh squeeze is nice but would really like to try some nice tobacco juices.

Long Live MTL!!

  • Calix V2
  • Phenomenon lite
  • Erlkonigin
  • Squape R(s)
  • Hurricane
Clones of all of these are available if you are not opposed to that and/or want to try before investing in an authentic. The Kayfun mini V3 is a fantastic tank for MTL. Not so sure the V5 is built for MTL. Rose 3 clone is also available soon.
Tobacco heaven for me is a BestCigLiquid 9mg, 60/40 in an Origen V2 or Le Zephr, with a mesh wick. I struggled with Tobaccos in Kayfuns, Gems etc. They would vape fine for a day or two, then it was downhill fast until I re-wicked. Almost by definition, a good tobacco is a coil gunker. Mesh will gunk up after a week or two, but a quick dry burn and you're back in action.

@Dripworx Tobaccos are enjoying some celebrity on here. I can't comment personally, as mine are in the post...

Been playing with cotton wicks in a 6ml Origen, and confirmed what I discovered in an Aromamizer. I don't like vertical coils with cotton. But, the principle of having the tank under the coils, with wicks descending into it, is good. I'd had a bit if a hangup about this. So a couple if MTL tanks I've got my eye on are The Split by DNV, and the Corolla 1.5 by SXK
I have just got a sample pack from BestCigLiquid and they are not bad at all. I have tried three of them up till now... Brownstone and Tobacco Cream are good but I am definitely getting a soft spot for Captain Jack...nothing personal of course [emoji12] The only thing is the wife and kids are not liking the smells coming from the kitchen. These juices are pungent to say the least.
Has anyone got a kayfun v3 mini they would be willing to part with? I was a bit lax about ordering one and just been on fast tech to order an infinite version and they stopped stocking them. I'm preferably after an SKX/infinite version if someone has one. Thanks
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