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Want to re wick my own EVOD/PROTANK


Apr 20, 2013
Ive seen the videos of how but when it comes to purchasing wick and wire i havnt got a clue?!?!?!

Can anyone help shed some light :please:

2mm silicone wick and .20 kanthal wire seems to be the norm, try a few of the vendors on here or ebay.

I used the thread Mawsley linked and use 0.20 kanthal and 3mm silica.
I've an additional question - I believe there are 2 types of wick, one better flavour/lower temperature tolerance than the other - in real terms, how likely is this to affect performance and is silica the one with better flavour?

How does different thickness wick affect performance?
I also use 2x2mm silica wick...placed side by side and wrapped together with the coil.

If you want a higher impedence coil (and I am guessing you are) I would go for .16 wire otherwise you may have problems getting 5-6 wraps in the confined space without hot spots.

You can use kanthal or niachrome wire.......this is the best site I have found to date for wire (res and no res), wick and mesh.

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