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Where am I going wrong?


Apr 17, 2018
I've got the 7 in 1 SS coils from Coilology in the avacado 24 with cotton bacon. I've tried wicking it a 1000 times. I'm getting no flavor at all just a slight burnt taste. Really feel like giving up at the moment. What the hell am I doing wrong?


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No flavour and a slight burnt taste tells me it's either 2 things
1 a slight hot spot on one of your coils or 2 too much cotton through the coil
Should the cotton be slightly snug in the coil? I have left little gaps in the wicking holes aswell. Thanks for the reply. I have looked online for answers but I feel like I'm doing all the obvious things. Any help would be massively appreciated. I don't want to give up on the tank
Those are the Juggernaut coils and they're crap. Try the fused. Then, maybe you don't like stainless wire [I don't] so try the NiChrome version. Yes, it should be snug in the coil, but not to the point the coil deforms when pulling it through. Too loose and it will spit.
I know they are budget coils but I dont want to spend more money on coils til I know what I'm doing. I went for the stainless cos people seem to think they're good for flavor same with the tank. Just doesn't seem to be the case for me yet. I Tried a friends aramax power with premade coils and it only vapes at 55w but the vape was just really full. A different ball game altogether. He keeps telling me just to get one of those but I don't want to give up on the avacado when people have said it's a really good tank.
Coilology coils are decent for what they are [Demon Killer coils are terrible by comparison] - try something other than the Juggernauts from the variety pack.
I've just tried the tri core fused. Wicked loads looser in the coil. Still the same no flavor & the vapes not full at all
Has anyone tried the avacado & not been keen? Or rdtas in general? The coils seemed to be heating evenly no hot spots. Not sure where to put the blame now
Cotton bacon can take a tank or to bed in. You don't mention what ohm the coils are & what wattage your using.
Ok newbie here so coming out with a random question.

Are you getting flavour from other vapes? Is it just this one where you don't?
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