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Yellow people!

Master Moo

Feb 7, 2018
Hello all, I'm Neil aka Mr moo but someone pinched my virtual persona so hence forth I shall be known as master Moo ( :( )
Newish to vaping but a chest infection just before new year stopped me smoking the pipe ( hate cigarettes and they're even stinkyer now I can smell the world) but on recovering a week later I thought I haven't smoked for a week but was reaching for something, be it habit or the nicotine I will never know but the need to suck on something better than my old blu and two year old ry4 brought about the confusion that ensued with choosing a mod, juices etc etc. I got there now but bloody hell smoking was simpler... Tobacco, lighter, pipe... Done. Now I need a poxy manbag and a inventory!

Sorry, I only meant to say hi
Welcome aboard :welcome1:

It is possible to keep it simple. Unfortunately now you've signed up here you haven't a hope in hell. Shinyitis is contagious, your bank balance is doomed.
Hi Neil and welcome to the mad house.

you do know you can get vape pipes and we have a few users on here.
Lol, I like you, you can stay [emoji38]
welcome to the madhouse! Hopefully we will help you to enjoy embrace the overhwleming choice and empty your pockets on shiny things!
Hang your manbag over there and make sure your beard is suitably groomed!
Welcome......wait till you go on Holiday its a fkin riot, the amount of stuff and prep....and what if's
Yellow people, Mr Moo, I'm think oh a vaper from the Orient.
Bit disappointing really.
But hi and welcome anyway.
Hello @Master Moo , Nice to meet you mate !!!
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